Physical education is provided by the Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University located in Praha – Hostivař (Bruslařská, 1132/10). 
Most courses take place in the Sports Centre of Charles University in Hostivař (Bruslařská, 1132/10).

Other sports venues are:

  • Shipyard Podolí – Regata (Podolské nábřeží, 1206/7)
  • Winter Stadium HASA (Sámova, 1476)
  • Sports Complex HAMR (K Vodě, 3200/3)
  • Climbing center SmíchOFF (Křižíkova, 6)
  • Climbing Wall FREESOLO (Donovalská, 1662)
  • Sokol Žižkov II. – gymnastics (Na Balkáně, 812)
  • Sports Complex – volleyball (Albertov)

Physical Education at the Faculty of Science is free of charge, however, lessons out of Hostivař Sport Centre may be paid!


SIS code Course name Term Extent Dept.
MS730C Physical Education – Optional WT + ST 1 lecture =
45 minutes
MS730LKV Summer Training Course – Optional      ST week 7300

Both courses have 1 credit.

To enrol officially the course (necessary for health and accident insurance), it must be included in the Learning Agreement. Additional enrollment is possible when using the form for changes of the Learning Agreement, which must be delivered in the faculty Erasmus Office.

The schedule of courses is available here.

To be accepted into a course, please, contact the respective teacher of the sport you want to attend, or the head of the Department of Physical Education, or just come to the lecture to discuss your acceptance.

The conditions of teaching physical education at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, are regulated by the Dean's Measure No. 20/2023 (Opatření děkana č. 20/2023 k zajištění školení studentů pro výuku v terénu a výuku tělesné výchovy).