Biology Section Departmentof Anthropology and Human Genetics Departmentof Botany Departmentof Cell Biology Departmentof Ecology Departmentof Experimental Plant Biology Departmentof Philosophy and History of Science Departmentof Physiology Departmentof Genetics and Microbiology Departmentof Parasitology Departmentof Biology Education Departmentof Zoology Chemistry Section Departmentof Analytical Chemistry Departmentof Inorganic Chemistry Departmentof Biochemistry Departmentof Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry Departmentof Organic Chemistry Departmentof Chemistry Education Geography Section Departmentof Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography Departmentof Demography and Geodemography Departmentof Physical Geography and Geoecology Departmentof Social Geography and Regional Development Geology Section Instituteof Geology and Paleontology Instituteof Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources Instituteof Petrology and Structural Geology Instituteof Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics Faculty-Wide Departments and Institutes Institutefor Environmental Studies Departmentof Physical Education Instituteof Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies