Independently from other faculty bodies, the ombudsperson helps to create a safe, respectful, fair, and pleasant study and work environment.
Valerie Havrdová, Ombudsperson of the Faculty of Science, Charles University

    • Mgr. Valerie Havrdová
    "You don't have to be alone in your problems."
    Tel: +420 221 95 1154
    Consultation hours by appointment

    How does the ombudsperson proceed according to principles and rules?

    • No one should be penalized for their complaint or suggestion.

    • The ombudsperson proceeds discreetly, sensitively, with respect for the rights and personalities of the involved parties.

    • The ombudsperson maintains confidentiality about all facts learned in connection with the performance of their duties.

    • The ombudsperson is independent of other faculty bodies, does not take instructions from anyone.

    • In resolving a specific complaint or suggestion, the ombudsperson proceeds impartially and objectively.

    • The ombudsperson proceeds transparently, every notifier is informed about the procedure in resolving their complaint or suggestion.

    Who can approach the ombudsperson?

    Anyone from the students (including those on a break from studies, in lifelong learning programs, and foreign students on exchange), academic and scientific staff, or other employees of the Faculty of Science, Charles University.

    When can the ombudsperson help?

    The ombudsperson deals especially (but not exclusively) with problematic situations related to sexual harassment, discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, disability, etc., abuse of power, inappropriate communication, mobbing and bossing, bullying, differing, unjustified and unequal demands on students, academic staff, and other employees of the faculty, but also addresses inaction by persons or bodies.

    Do not hesitate to turn to the ombudsperson if you are facing a problem related to your role at the faculty, are afraid to address it with the competent body for various reasons, or are unsure about further steps. The advice is confidential, and the help is discreet.

    When can the ombudsperson not intervene?

    In areas that primarily fall under the jurisdiction of other faculty bodies or departments. This does not apply in cases where the ombudsperson will deal with improper conduct or inaction by specific individuals or will contribute to systemic changes. The ombudsperson, for example, does not answer questions about studies, cannot change the outcome of exams or decisions on expulsion from studies, does not influence financial distributions, but can act if you feel discriminated against in these situations.

    However, do not hesitate to turn to the ombudsperson with any question or request for help. If the matter does not fall within their jurisdiction, they will help find another way, refer you to the competent body, pass on your suggestion or complaint. But they will always act with your knowledge and consent.

    Is contacting the ombudsman considered a formal complaint for investigation?

    It is not. It is possible to make an appointment with the ombudsman, seek advice and then decide whether you want to make a formal complaint. The Ombudsman does not start an investigation until she has the consent of the person who has approached her with the problem.

    Possible conflict of interest

    The Ombudsman will act impartially. However, if anyone is concerned about a potential conflict of interest, they may contact the Charles University Ombudsman, Katerina Šámalová, Ph.D. ( instead.