Internal regulations of the Faculty of Science Internal Regulations of the Charles University Rector's measures Dean's measures Orders, communications and measures of the Bursar Collective Agreement of Charles University Act on Higher Education Labour Code Basic principles of personnel policy (Rector's measures) Employee Handbook Employee ID Card Evaluation (attestation) of academic and scientific staff Evaluation of technical and economic staff Reporting/changing bank account Categorisation of work 2023 Selection procedures for academic staff: The Competitive Hiring Process Code The Dean's measure for the implementation of the Competitive Hiring Process Code Rector's measure to introduce and define the term "postdoctoral fellow" Determination of salary: Internal Salary Regulation Qualifications for classification in salary grades Leadership allowances Dean's Measure No.12/2024 on the implementation of the CU Internal Wage Regu Tariffs of salary grades from 1 July 2024 Tariffs of salary grades from 1 January 2025 Catalogues of jobs and positions for UK employees Calculation of holiday entitlement Electronic payslip E-Tax - manual Dean's Measure No. 27/2021 on the organisation of working time Dean's Measure No. 11/2024 on the creation and use of the Social Fund