The faculty development plan results from the priorities of the Charles University in Prague and its intention is to build a modern, effective and competitive faculty that will be attractive for Czech and foreign students and pedagogues and will guarantee its graduates the first class quality. Development activities involve all the basic fields of faculty life – educational and scientific activities, building-up of its infrastructure and securing the investment activities, the area of foreign relations, social security of employees and students. The educational activities based on Bolognese principles of three stage educational process in the B.A., follow-up M.A. and finally PhD programme aspire in the first two cases to raise graduates who could successfully apply for doctoral programme with graduates of other Czech and foreign universities. The graduates of the doctoral programme represent the supreme product of the faculty, that’s why great attention is paid to the all-embracing assurance of the this programme, to the obtaining of the modern device base and to the improvement of student material conditions. The faculty supports and will go on supporting top research teams and will ensure the modern instrumental equipment of the workstations. Building-up of the infrastructure and the investment development of the faculty are currently linked with two major projects transcending the faculty standards by its proportions. BIOCEV The first project is the intention to build the Biotechnological and Biomedical Research Centre (“BIOCEV”) in Vestec u Prahy as a collective project of the Charles University (especially the Science Faculty and the First Faculty of Medicine) and six departments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. An important development agent will be the expansion of programmes focused on experimental biotechnology as well as integration of “BIOCEV” into the network of European consortiums “Euro-BioImagining” and “INFRAFRONTIER” within the framework of “ESFRI” (the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) which will strengthen our position in the field of pan-European education. Campus Albertov (Biocentre and Globcentre) The other project is the intention to build the Albertov Campus. Its purpose is to gather the best experimental masterminds of the three faculties involved (Faculty of Science, First Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) in the areas of biomedicine (Bioncentre) and studies of global alterations (Globcentre). This project will create the potential for further development of these faculties, as well as the Faculty of Science in the future. Suggested centres are conceived as workplaces devoting themselves to the elementary research interlinked with the high-quality pedagogical activities emphasizing the international comparable standards. These centres will allow affiliation of the existing successful research groups and provide the framework for their cooperation and further development. Logistic and spatial bonding should allow better exploitation of the current research potential of the employees and students, whereas the research in both centres should be instrumental as a base for studies, especially on the MA and PhD levels. A pilot project of the Albertov Campus was elaborated in 2008 (03/2008 – PaP Servis) and based on the discussion and further demands on this pilot project a revision of the Albertov Campus was made (09/2008 – RP servis). Both projects affirmed the possibility of building in the mentioned localities, namely from the point of view of volume and capacity (concerning the equipment and presumed strain of affected territory), and from the point of view of preliminary statements of local authorities.