Faculty of Science works on providing equal conditions for all the students. There are contact persons for students with special needs in order to provide them with information and assistance. The students can also use services of the Counselling and Psychological Services. Contact person at the Faculty of Science For a prompt consultation, it is advisable to include your telephone number and the dates when you can be contacted in the e-mail message in addition to your enquiry. RNDr. Dana Fialová, Ph.D.E-mail: dana.fialova@natur.cuni.cz Phone number: +420 221 951 397 Office: Praha 2, Albertov 6, 3rd floor, room 342 (route plan from the elevator) Office hours: any time upon previous agreement PaedDr. Věra SchätzováE-mail: vera.schatzova@natur.cuni.czOffice hours: any time upon previous agreement Students with special needs Who is a student with special needs? Conditions of the evidence Psychotherapeutic and psychiatric counselling The psychological counselling at the Faculty of Science, Charles University Hybernská counselling center Academic counselling center at the Faculty of Education, Charles Univesity Barrier-free access to building of the Faculty of Science Detailed information about the accessibility of the buildings is here. List of classrooms is here. Virtual tour of Albertov 6 is available here Futher information Carolina Centre Services provided by CU