ALBERTOV 6 GEOGRAPHICAL SECTION, GEOLOGICAL SECTION Availability The nearest tram stop is Albertov (tram 18, 24, 7, 6,). The nearest barrier-free metro station is Vyšehrad on line C (from there it is a relatively rough terrain walk of about 20 minutes). When commuting by car, it is possible to park relatively well in the vicinity of the faculty. Entrance There are stairs leading to the main entrance. The side entrance from Votočkova Street is marked as wheelchair accessible. It is opened with a chip (available at the concierge desk or you can get your own). Access to the chip reader is problematic (the facility is high for wheelchair users). There is a relatively long but uncomplicated path to the lift. Building All floors can be reached by lift. Movement along the corridors can be complicated by the double doors, which do not hold open, and one of the leaves is closed with plugs, the upper one of which is too high. There is no accessible toilet in the building. HLAVOVA 8 CHEMICAL SECTION Availability See Albertov 6 Entrance The building has only an entrance with stairs. Building There is a freight elevator in the building, which can only be accessed by stairs. There is no accessible toilet in the building. ALBERTOV 3 CHEMICAL SECTION Availability See Albertov 6 Entrance The building has only an entrance with stairs. Building Two-storey, no lift, virtually inaccessible for wheelchair users. There is no accessible toilet in the building. VINIČNÁ 7 BIOLOGICAL SECTION, CENTRE OF FURTHER EDUCATION Availability The nearest barrier-free metro station is I.P.Pavlova. The nearest tram stop is Štěpánská (tram 10, 16, 22, 4). Then there is Karlovo náměstí (tram 3, 18, 24, 6, 10, 16, 4). Bus 291 (always a low-floor car) stops directly in Viničná, stop Větrov. You can also take bus 176 (some of the buses are low-floor) from the Karlovo náměstí stop. When travelling by car, it is usually possible to park in the surroundings without difficulty (you can also use a parking space in the yard). Entrance There are stairs leading to the main entrance. It is possible to use the secondary, barrier-free entrance, which is usually locked. A key is available in the concierge's office (but it is accessible by stairs) or you can get your own key. Building There is an elevator in the building and it stops on all floors. Movement along the corridors can be complicated by the double doors, which do not hold open, and one of the leaves is closed with plugs, the upper one of which is too high. The accessible toilet is on the ground floor. VINIČNÁ 5 BIOLOGICAL SECTION Availability See Viničná 7 Entrance There are stairs at all three entrances. Building This is a multi-building complex, none of which has an elevator or accessible toilet. BENÁTSKÁ 2 BIOLOGICAL SECTION, INSTITUTE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Availability The nearest tram stop is Botanická zahrada (tram 18, 24, 6,). The nearest accessible metro station Vyšehrad and I.P.Pavlova on line C. Parking is problematic in the immediate vicinity. Entrance The building has only an entrance with stairs. Building There is no elevator or accessible toilet in the building. NA SLUPI 16 DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF DOCTORAL STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF ACCREDITATION AND ADMISSIONS Availability See Benátská 2 Entrance The building has only an entrance with stairs. Building There is no lift or accessible toilet in the building (but you can use the accessible toilet in the garden area).