The headquarters of the Faculty is situated at Albertov street no. 6 in Prague 2. Other buildings of the campus stand alongside nearby streets: Hlavova, Horská, Viničná, Benátská, Na Slupi and Legerova.
Deparment of Physical Education is set in Charles University Sport Centre areal (SCUK): Bruslařská 10, Praha 10 - Hostivař.

1 - Albertov 6: Dean's office, Geography, Geology
2 - Hlavova 8: Chemistry
3 - Viničná 7: Biology
4 - Viničná 5: Biology
5 - Benátská 2: Biology, Environmental Studies
6 - Na Slupi 16: Student Affairs Division
7 - Na Slupi 16: Botanical Garden
8 - Horská 3: Language teaching, Geography
9 - Albertov 8: Dean's office
10 - Benátská 4: Students club Mrtvá ryba and Rybička Kindergarten
11 - Na Slupi 17: Geography

Buildings outside the Albertov campus:

Legerova 5: Geography
Bruslařská 10: Physical education


How to get to Campus

Using undeground - line C, stop I. P. Pavlova and 10 minutes walk.

Using tram - stop Albertov (lines 7, 14, 18, 24).


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