Useful Documents and Links for M.Sc. Students
Useful Documents and Links for Supervisors and Applicants for Student Supervision
The focus of Master’s studies at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, is the preparation and defense of the so-called diploma thesis. Unlike the Bachelor’s thesis, the diploma thesis at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology should primarily have an experimental character, meaning the students independently work on an assigned research topic under the guidance of the supervisors and obtain original scientific results, which they will then process and interpret in a specific form. Additionally, the students must publicly present their results and their interpretation during the defense of the diploma thesis, which is part of the State Examination. More information on the overall organization of M.Sc. defenses within the Department can be found here.
Given the labor and time-intensive nature of research in genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, and virology, it is highly desirable for students to begin exploring the possibility of preparing their diploma thesis as early as possible, and possibly already start working in the relevant Laboratory during their Bachelor’s studies.
The students have the opportunity to do their experimental work necessary for M.Sc. thesis directly in the Department’s Laboratories. Additionally, due to the Department's extensive collaboration with various research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, research laboratories at medical faculties of Charles University, and other healthcare institutions, as well as research institutes of the Ministry of Agriculture, students in the Master's program can expand the scope of their thesis topics in virtually any direction.
Current Diploma Thesis Topics Offered by the Department
In addition to the topics listed above, students can also individually arrange other thesis topics, either with internal supervisors at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology, or at various external institutions. (in the second case, it is advisable to first consult the proposed topic/supervisor with the Department’s study advisor for the relevant programme/specialization. Scientific and academic staff who have not previously supervised a thesis within the programme must be approved by the programme guarantor in advance! For more information, please contact the Department's study advisors).
Theses must be submitted only in electronic form by uploading them to the SIS (in the folder marked Solution). Additionally, an English and Czech abstract, as well as English and Czech keywords, must be uploaded to the SIS. The title of the thesis (not to be confused with the Thesis Topic) entered into the SIS must exactly match the title in the PDF file and correspond to the language in which the thesis is written - please check this before final submission!
Various useful information regarding the formal aspects of the thesis can be found here:
Recommendations and Guidelines for Preparing a Thesis for Defense at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Charles University (currently in Czech, will be translated soon into English)
The number of diploma (Master's) theses defended at the department over the past 20 years is shown in the following graph (including specification of the individual supervisory institutions). This graph is updated after each Master's defense period; final numbers fo each year are thus confirmed only after the end of the respective academic year:
Specific successfully defended diploma (Master´s) theses, along with links to them (if available in the ´Charles University Digital Repository) can be found in the following overview, organized by period/year (data on even older theses will be added later):