The content of this page is automatically generated from data in the Charles University Human Resources Information System (HRIS). For further information on the respective persons, click on their name and it will open their personal profile, which will be gradually filled with more details on their research and teaching activities. For any changes of contact information (phone, e-mail, room designation) required, please e-mail the Department HRIS administrator (Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Dana Holá, Ph.D.).

The respective rooms within the Viničná 5 building in the Albertov campus, and in the BIOCEV center in Vestec, can be found on the following floor plans of these buildings: Viničná 5, 2NP (i.e., the 1st floor); Viničná 5, 1NP (i.e, the ground floor); Viničná 5, 1PP (i.e., the basement); BIOCEV, 2NP (i.e., the 1st floor). Brožek s Genetic Garden (it is in the list below called Albertov 8, although the more correct address is Studničkova N12) can be found here.

Department of Genetics and Microbiology


BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.012; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.109
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.076; Viničná 5, 2NP, room 116

Assistant professors, assistants and lecturers

BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.011; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.008
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.078; Viničná 5, 2NP, room 116
Viničná 5, 1NP, room P6; Viničná 5, 1NP, room P3; Viničná 5, 1NP, room P5; Viničná 5, 1NP, room P7
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.011; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.008
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.078; Viničná 5, 2NP, room 116
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.015; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.004; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007

Scientific workers and r&D teaching staff

Viničná 5, 1NP, room P6; Viničná 5, 1NP, room P3; Viničná 5, 1NP, room P5; Viničná 5, 1NP, room P7
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.017; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.015; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.004; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.015; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.004; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.004
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.004; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007

Technical and economic workers

BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.015; BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.007
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.013; Viničná 5, 2NP, room 117
BIOCEV Vestec, 2NP, room A2.077; Viničná 5, 2NP, room 118A