Important Information, Dates, Rules and Documents

Advisors for B.Sc. Study

The three-year Bachelor's degree programmes in Czech language, Biology and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Organisms are conducted in collaboration with all departments of the Biological Section of the Faculty of Science, and the Bioinformatics programme also in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University. The Department participates mainly in these three study programmes; however, we also teach (or supervise students) in the Czech language B.Sc. programmes Ecological and Evolutionary Biology and  Biology for Teacher Education, and in the B.Sc. programme taught entirely in English: Science.

Within the modular system of study plans, the Department of Genetics and Microbiology provides a number of basic lectures and exercises in the areas of genetics, molecular biology, microbiology and virology, particularly within the "Cellular and Molecular Biology" module, but also in other modules. Additional lectures and practical courses are not included in the modules, yet they are also primarily intended for students at the Bachelor's level of study. More information on these subjects can be found here, the current teaching schedule of the Department can be found here.

For students who wish to continue their education after completing their Bachelor's studies by pursuing a Master's degree in the follow-up programmes Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology or Microbiology associated with the Department, there are recommended study plan options specifically tailored to the individual specializations within these programmes. These plans (which are part of the so-called "Modrá Karolinka," available in Czech here) provide students with guidance on which courses to enroll in and when, so that they are optimally prepared for the corresponding Master's programmes. At the same time, they ensure that students meet all credit requirements for the respective modules and comply with other conditions of the academic regulations.

An integral part of the Bachelor's studies at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, and a required component of the State Examination, is the writing and defense of a Bachelor's thesis. These theses are developed under the supervision of the individual departments within the Biological Section of our faculty and can be overseen by both internal and external supervisors. The theses are of a review nature (they usually focus on a relatively narrow topic, which may or may not be directly related to the research conducted at the supervisor's Laboratory). Students choose their Bachelor's thesis topic no later than the beginning of the third year of their Bachelor's studies; however, it is advisable to start exploring the possibilities of writing a Bachelor's thesis earlier. More information about topics of B.Sc. theses  currently offered by the Department, B.Sc. theses successfully defended in the past, and the general organization of their defenses within the Department can be found here.

Important faculty-wide information for students in Bachelor's degree programmes is available here.