Publication Activity of Members and Students of the Department of Genetics and Microbiology

The publication activity of the members and students of the Department of Genetics and Microbiology is at a good level. The focus is naturally on original (or review) papers in peer-reviewed journals, often with high impact factors / AIS values and high citation rates. Department members are also authors of numerous chapters in international monographs, have created or modified various software applicable in biological disciplines, developed certified methodologies, prototypes, and functional samples, hold several patents, and have authored several university textbooks and other educational materials in Czech language. They also engage in popularization of science in the Czech Republic, with papers occasionally appearing in Czech science popularization journals such as Živa or Vesmír.

In summary, the total publication activity of the Department's members and students over the past 10 years is illustrated in the following graphs:

Specific publications by Department members and students since 1995, along with links to them (where available) can be found in the following overview organized by periods/years:





