Research at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology

Science and research are integral parts of the work carried out by the staff and students at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology. Currently, the Department hosts eleven main research groups focusing on various areas of molecular and cellular biology, genetics, microbiology, and virology. Members of five of these groups (Laboratory of Virology, Laboratory of Molecular and Tumour Virology, Laboratory of Immunotherapy, Laboratory of Proteases andLaboratory of Biology of Yeast Colonies) are also involved in research projects at the BIOCEV, center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University, as part of its Cellular Biology and Virology research programme. Laboratory of Molecular and Tumour Virology, Laboratory of RNA Biochemistry, Laboratory of Proteases and Laboratory of Virology are also engaged in the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology project, which brings together leading scientific institutions from the Czech Republic.

The Department's equipment allows its members and students to routinely use a wide range of common and specialized methodological approaches and techniques in the fields of molecular and cellular biology, genetics, microbiology, and virology. The members of the Department can, upon prior agreement, offer their methodological and technical expertise to external entities, either within the framework of scientific research collaboration or under specifically defined conditions (information about available equipment, established methodologies, expert consultations, and collaboration opportunities can be found on the individual research groups websites).

Members of the Department's research groups regularly publish the results of their research in prestigious scientific journals and monographs and present them at both international and national conferences. They are also involved in the popularization of science in the Czech Republic. Research projects are supported by numerous national and international grants.