Additional information can be found also at the section For Students and Applicants for Study Supervisors, Applicants for Supervision of Students, Reviewers of University Qualification Theses Academic calendar (schedule of the academic year) Study Affairs Division - Contacts Internal legislation of the Faculty of Science Internal regulations of the Charles University Rules for recording, submitting and publishing theses (Dean´s Measure 13/2023; including rules for listing theses in the SIS, assigning students to theses and requesting the delay of the publication of the entire thesis or its appendices) Instructions for registering students´ internships How to obtain a CAS/SIS password (DOCX) How to become a supervisor of Bachelor´s students who will defend their theses at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology (DOCX) Inserting B.Sc. theses topics into the SIS, registering students for these topics Form for the supervisor’s/reviewer’s report on the Bachelor´s thesis (DOCX) How to become a supervisor of Master's students in the Follow-up Master's programmes Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Virology, or Microbiology (DOCX) Inserting M.Sc. theses topics into the SIS, registering students for these topics How to request the delay of the publication of the entire M.Sc. thesis or its appendices (can be found in the guidelines for students regarding submitting their thesis in the SIS) Form for the supervisor’s report on the Master´s thesis (DOCX) Form for the reviewer’s report on the Master´s thesis (DOCX) How to become a supervisor in the Ph.D. programme Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, and Virology How to become a supervisor in the Ph.D. programme Microbiology How a supervisor should proceed when generating an ISP for new Ph.D. students How a supervisor should proceed with the annual assessment of a Ph.D. student's ISP How to request the delay of the publication of the entire Ph.D. thesis or its appendices (can be found in the guidelines for students regarding submitting their thesis in the SIS) Teachers and Applicants for Teaching Academic calendar (schedule of the academic year) Study Affairs Division - Contacts Internal legislation of the Faculty of Science Internal regulations of the Charles University Habilitation and professorship appointment process (Czech version) How to obtain a CAS/SIS password (DOCX) How to establish of a new lecture or course within the Department of Genetics and Microbiology (DOCX) How and when to modify or request changes to various attributes of your lecture/course in SIS (annual changes in "Karolinka") (DOCX) How and when to proceed with your lecture/course scheduling in SIS for the relevant study term (DOCX) List of classrooms in buildings of the Albertov complex and their capacity Location of rooms in buildings of the Albertov complex How to reserve the Seminar room of the Department in the Viničná 5 building (and its primary purposes) (DOCX) Labeling of a missed exam deadline, correction of exam results in the SIS (Czech version) Requests for recognition of courses completed during previous study or at another university (Czech version) Taking an exam by students on the second resit date before the examination board (Dean’s Measure No. 12/2022) Record form for the second resit exam before the examination board (Czech version) (DOCX) Students with special needs Expulsion of a student from class due to inappropriate behavior (Czech version)