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Visit of the Korean delegation to our faculty

On Friday, 18th August, a delegation from the Korean Jeonbuk National University visited our faculty (and other faculties of Charles University). The visit, which was interested in the ways of teaching and establishing possible cooperation, was welcomed at the faculty by the vice-dean for the biology section, Prof. Petr Horák. Together, they visited several specialized laboratories in Viničná 7 and finally the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science.

Published Aug 18, 2023

How Trypanosoma escaped the immunity

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is responsible for over 95 % of sleeping sickness cases – a disease that threatens many inhabitants of Africa. Like any parasite, Trypanosoma is trying to escape the human immune system quite successfully, despite being exposed to the hostile environment of the intravascular system. Its elaborate mechanisms against adaptive immunity have been described but how does this parasite outsmart the early stages of immune response? An international research group, joined by Martin Zoltner from the Faculty of Science, Charles University, tried to answer that question.

Published Aug 14, 2023

Doctoral Summer School 2023

We are happy to inform you that the registration for the second Doctoral Summer School 2023 in Prague is now open for Early-Career Researchers in the Czech Republic. This summer school will take place in Prague on 15-16 September 2023. The aim of the PhD summer school is to improve the skills of early career researchers in three important areas. Each participant will receive a certificate and the official language of the event is English. More information can be found in this newsletter.

Published Aug 14, 2023

How much do cities affect bird lives?

You have probably already noticed the decline of insects in nature, either through the media or even from your own experience. Now, an international European research group has investigated how disappearing insects can affect bird populations. Professor Jiří Reif, from the Faculty of Science at Charles University, was involved in this research too, particularly in the planning of the project. According to the authors, insectivorous birds could be negatively affected by the depletion of insect communities.

Published Aug 13, 2023

Sensory evolution: Fish smelling well in the water and in the air

Some fish do come ashore at night have an unusually high number of olfactory receptor genes that might allow them to smell in the air. Analysis of two hundred fishes, including some that are able to move overland, suggests that the sense of smell in some amphibious fishes has adapted to their new way of life. Zuzana Musilová, Demian Burguera and from the Fish Evolution Biology group and Pavel Němec, Francesco Dionigi, Kristina Kverková and Yicheng Zhang from the Sensory and Evolutionary Neurobiology group at the Faculty of Science of Charles University present a new study published in BMC Biology addressing this topic.

Published Aug 11, 2023

Workshop Image Analysis and Data Processing (not only) in Super- Resolution Microscopy

Start date Aug 21, 2023 - Aug 25, 2023

For the fourth year, the Viničná Microscopy Core Facility, a cutting-edge facility of the UK Physics Department, is hosting a unique workshop on Image Analysis and Data Processing (not only) in Super-Resolution Microscopy, bringing together top scientists and speakers to impart their knowledge to the participants. This year, the workshop will take place from 21 to 25 August. Lectures will be in a hybrid format. All information, registration and an interesting talk can be found below.

Published Aug 11, 2023

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