On Monday, January 11, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., the longest ever reading from Professor Švambera's work began in the Geography Library of the Faculty of Science, which lasted for 9 hours. The event took place on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of this great geographer. 36 participants, professors, associate professors, teachers and employees of the Geography Section of the Faculty of Science, actively participated in the reading. Contributions from 30 texts (articles, dictionary entries and monographs) were read out The participants were always introduced by the presenters and took turns after 15 minutes, so that the individual readings, even if from different works, continued to connect. In terms of content, the texts confirmed the rumors about Professor Švambera's broad outlook and education. From the Šumava lakes and their research, the listeners were transported through the African deserts and the Congo River to the Arctic regions and Greenland. The works were always elaborated in detail with the professor's brilliant, impeccable Czech. The reading was also announced as an attempt to set a Czech record, so the commissioner Mr. J. Marek from the Dobrý den Agency from Pelhřimov, which registers records, watched the whole event.

The reading was recorded and can be accessed here. Thanks to the CIT department, especially Mr. M. Rezek and Mr. T. Petrus, for the technical support of the entire event.