About the collection

The Map Collection is a university collection for science, research and education. It serves the academic employees and students of Charles University as well as the professional and lay public.

There are more than 68 000 bibliographic records in the electronic catalog. Maps digitized within the TEMAP project are available in the Kramerius Digital Library of Charles University and the Digital Map Collection. Images and 3D models of globes are presented by the Digital Globe Collection.

Collection identification

1. The Map Collection is kept under the number NAD 901100280 in the records of the National Archival Heritage of the Czech republic.

2. The Map Collection is located under the code ABD065 in the database Central Directory of Libraries and Information Institutions in the Czech Republic.

The legal status of Charles University in Prague is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on universities as amended.

The obligations of the Map Collection as an organizational part of the Faculty of Science were established by the internal regulation of the Dean's Measure No. 18/2011 of 20 December 2011, as amended and supplemented.

Access to the funds Map collections of PřF UK are regulated by selected sections of the Act on Archives and File Services No. 499/2004 and its implementing decree No. 645/2004.