Successful inscription of the map of the Battle of Malta by G. F. Camocio in the UNESCO list

In 2014, a renaissance map by G. F. Camocia depicting the Siege of Malta by the Turks in 1565 was discovered in the Map Collections Fund. 

The director of the Map Collection Eva Novotná and the curator of MUŻA (National Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta) Bernadine Scicluna created an application for the UNESCO Memory of the World program. The monument was included in the list in 2017. More on the UNESCO website.

The certificate was handed over on April 5, 2018 in the Nostic Palace in Prague. The ceremony was performed by the Minister of Culture PhDr. Ilja Šmíd, the certificate was received from him by the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University, prof. RNDr. Jiří Zima, CSc. The presentation was also attended by the director of the Map Collection Eva Novotná together with the representatives of the Maltese partners, who were Bernadine Scicluna and Joseph Schiro. More information about the event on the website of the Ministry of Culture. A report on the inscription was published in Maps in History, Newsletter No. 61, May, 2018, p. 32.

Fhoto gallery from the ceremony 

(Photo credit: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic)

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