Jan Felkl & syn, továrna na glóby / Jan Felkl & Son, a Globe-Making Factory

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the globe manufacture in Roztok, a book about Jan Felkl and his factory was published. The paperback Czech-English monograph contains a text part and pictorial and tabular appendices on a total of 184 pages.

Price: CZK 289 

The book can be purchased in person at the Map Collection (cash payment only), ordered via e-mail mapcol@natur.cuni.cz or by phone at +420 221 951 967. When sending by post, postage is added to the price.

Bibliographic citation:

NOVOTNÁ, Eva. Jan Felkl & syn: továrna na glóby = Jan Felkl & Son: a globe-making factory. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Geografická sekce, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7444-053-3.

Books reviews:

RAJČAN, Adam. Eva Novotná, Jan Felkl & syn: továrna na glóby = Jan Felkl & son: a globe-making factory. The Globe. 2018, 83. Available here.

HORST, Thomas. Jan Felkl & syn, továrna na glóby. Imago Mundi. 2018, 70 (2), 251. ISSN 0308-5694. Available here.