Due to the GDPR guidlelines, the names of the respective students and supervisors are not listed here, only the titles of the respective theses (along with links to them - if available - in the Charles University Digital Repository, where you can find all relevant information). The theses are categorized according to the supervisor's institution and, within each institution, are sorted alphabetically. The majority of theses are written in Czech but all have at least an English abstract. Information on the current and past supervisory activities of individual internal members of the Department of Genetics and Microbiology can be found on the websites of the respective Laboratories.


Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Charles University

Directed evolution of mouse polyomavirus

Elucidation of ERK1 and ERK2 protein kinases effect on cap-independent translation initiation

Methylation of the regulatory sequences of integrated and extrachromosomal form of HPV 16 in tonsillar tumors

Minor structural proteins of polyomaviruses: Attributes and interactions with cellular structures

Pore-forming properties of Bordetella pertussis CyaA toxin and composition of the lipid bilayer

Role of mitochondria and retrograde signalization during development of yeast colony

Role of the low-molecular metabolites in the development of yeast colonies

Studies of S. cerevisiae BR-S strain with deletion of SIR2 gene

Studies of polyomavirus trafficking from late endosomes towards the cell nucleus

The family of 4E translation factors explored in human cell lines

Utilization of mouse polyomavirus derived virus-like particles for cargo delivery into cells


Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Construction of a genetically detoxified Bordetella pertussis strain to develope a new generation of whole-cell vaccine

Morphine alkaloid metabolism in bacteria

Regulation of expression of Ms1, a sRNA from Mycobacterium smegmatis

Study of culturable anaerobic bacterial communities living in symbiosis with bark beetles; its isolation, taxonomy and biotechnical potential

Transcription regulation by sigma factors in Bacillus subtilis


Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Generation and analysis of double deficient transgenic mice for kallikrein-related peptidase 5 and kallikrein-related peptidase 14

Visual system development in Platynereis dumerilii: insight from genetic engineering approach


Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Nonclassical noncovalent interactions in proteins and their importance for  design of novel specific viral enzyme inhibitors


Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Molecular characteristics of mismatch repair pathway in ovarian cancer

Proliferation, migration, and oxidative DNA damage in colorectal cancer cell lines after the application of Ganoderma lucidum


Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Mutation and substitution rates in sexual and asexual forms: a clue to the persistence of sex in a model group of Cobitis?


Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences

ALBA-family proteins and their role in male gametophyte development


Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion

Analysis of the intracellular localization of nucleophosmin: effect of C-terminal mutations


National Institute of Public Health

Biomarkers of prognosis and therapy efficacy in ovarian carcinoma


Institute of Rheumatology

The role of biomarkers in erosive osteoarthritis of the hands


Faculties of Medicine, Charles University

Application of cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic methods in prenatal diagnosis

Monitoring the expression of genes involved in pathogenesis of rhabdomyosarcomas

Study of population specific alterations of breast cancer predisposition genes in Czech Republic


Other Supervisory Institutions

The effect of fixatives on DNA quality and quantity in archival tissue specimen