RNDr. Anna Dvořáčková Anna Dvořáčková (née Kastlová) was born June 6th, 1908 in the town of Železnice near Jičín to the family of a railroad track distance inspector who worked for ČSD. In 1914 she started elementary school in Mezimostí. She moved on to the burgher school in Veselí nad Lužnicí and later, one in Jičín, where she completed her high school education. In 1927 she was admitted to the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University, where she passed her teaching exam. Later she successfully completed courses in combinations such as history-Latin, French and history-geography. From 1933 to 1938 Anna Dvořáčková taught at several high schools, where she met her future husband Dr. František Dvořáček. At the Czechoslovak Academy of Science she worked first in the Department of Zdeňek Nejedlý and from 1953 in the Cartography Department, where she worked with Prof. Karel Kuchař. She retired in 1968. Anna Dvořáčková died on June 6th, 1985. Detailed biographical information and photographs were kindly provided by her son, Ing. Vratislav Dvořáček. Thanks to the licensing agreement with her copyright heirs, the Map Collection can provide full access to the texts of Dr. Anna Dvořáčková. For example, the detailed description of Moll’s map collection, which she prepared together with Prof. Karel Kuchař. Literature KUDRNOVSKÁ, Olga. Za Annou Dvořáčkovou. In: ŠVEJDA, Antonín (ed.). Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze. 1 vyd. Praha: Národní technické muzeum, 1986. ISSN 0232-0916. KUCHAŘ, Karel a Anna DVOŘÁČKOVÁ. Mapová sbírka B.P. Molla v Universitní knihovně v Brně. 1. vyd. Praha: SPN, 1959. 563 s. Dostupné z: http://digitool.is.cuni.cz/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=1150249&silo_library=GEN01