Doc. RNDr. Jaromír Janka, CSc.
Jaromír Janka was born on August 19th, 1908 in Prague to the family of an industrialist (his father was co-founder of the Janka Radotín Company). He completed his combined studies of geography and physical exercise at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in 1931. Just a year later he earned his doctorate in natural sciences with his dissertation work Železniční síť ČSR z hlediska topografického, under the guidance of professors Šalamon and Švambera. While working at the Geographic Institute, he struck up a friendship and began to collaborate professionally with Karel Kuchař. During the war he was a personnel assistant at the secondary schooling department of the Ministry of Education, and after the war a high school professor. From 1956-1973 he headed the Department of Geology and Geography at the Pedagogical Institute in Prague (later the Teaching Faculty of Charles University). In 1974 he retired. Jaromír Janka died on January 28th, 1976 at the age of 67.
In addition to teaching and professional, methodological and publishing activities, he was involved in creating cartographic maps and atlases, especially in collaboration with Prof. Karel Kuchař. He worked with Kuchař and doc. Ludvík Mucha to publish Celým světem. He also worked on the publication of the Československý vojenský atlas. His work for encyclopedias is also significant.
Thanks to the licensing agreement with his copyright heirs, the Map Collection is able to make all the texts of doc. Jaromír Janka available online.
Link to website about Janka here.
MUCHA, Ludvík. Kartograf Jaromír Janka. In: ŠVEJDA, Antonín (ed.). Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze. 1 vyd. Praha: Národní technické muzeum, 2011. ISSN: 0232-0916.
MARTÍNEK, Jiří a Miloslav MARTÍNEK. Kdo byl kdo: Naši cestovatelé a geografové. 1. vyd. Praha: Libri, 1998. s. 219-220. ISBN 80-85983-50-8.
GARDAVSKÝ, Václav. Šedesátiny doc. dr. Jaromíra Janky. Sborník ČSSZ. 1968, roč. 73, s. 160-161. ISSN 0036-5254.