Jakub Langhammer – Professor and head of the team

e-mail: jakub.langhammer@natur.cuni.cz

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The research focused on the impacts of landscape changes and disturbance on runoff processes and fluvial dynamics, hydromorphological assessment of streams, and water quality changes. Applied research in risk processes modeling.

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Dagmar Chalupová – Assistant professor 

e-mail: dagmar.chalupova@natur.cuni.cz

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I am interested in research of water and sediment quality (geochemistry – content of heavy metals, As, carbon, specific organic compounds; grain size analyses) of fluvial lakes – especially oxbow lakes of the Elbe River and their anthropogenic influence.

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Bohumír Janský - Professor

e-mail: bohumir.jansky@natur.cuni.cz

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Water Quality and Water Protection, Flood Protection, Hydrological Drought, Limnology, Natural Hazards in Mountain Areas (Peruvian Andes, Tien Shan, Pamir – Kyrgyzstan). Since 1990 he has been involved in the Magdeburg seminar on water protection. Since 1990 he has also been engaged in research in the headwaters of the Amazon region of Peru, where he led two Czech and one international expeditions. Since 2004, he has led a research team at the Faculty of Science and an international research team in the territory of Tien Shan Mountains. The projects are focused on research of dangerous glacial lakes on the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

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Michal Jenicek – Associate professor

e-mail: michal.jenicek@natur.cuni.cz

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My research interest in hydrology is focused on 1) measuring, monitoring and modelling snow accumulation and snowmelt processes and 2) the impact of climate and landscape changes on the water cycle in mountain catchments with dominating snow runoff regimes.

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Zdeněk Kliment – Associate professor

e-mail: zdenek.kliment@natur.cuni.cz

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Specialization in hydrology and fluvial geomorphology: rainfall-runoff processes, water erosion, material transport, river channel dynamics. Research in the analysis of trends and changes of outflow regime in relationship to different land use and climate development, in modelling of erosion hazard assessment and sediment transport, in the evaluation of river channel system during extreme events.

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Ondřej Ledvinka – Assistant professor

e-mail: ondrej.ledvinka@natur.cuni.cz

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Simply, I am a statistical hydrologist focusing primarily on the analysis of hydrological and climatological time series observed in Czechia and elsewhere (from a quantitative point of view). Besides working with statistical software such as R, I frequently utilize geographical information systems, so some spatial analyses can be done. Often, I process huge amounts of data. For this purpose, I write my own scripts. From time to time I also write some papers.

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Milada Matoušková – Assistant professor

e-mail: milada.matouskova@natur.cuni.cz

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Ecohydrological assessment of water ecosystems
Trends of rainfall and runoff regime within regional climate change
Human impact on the river network
Quality of fresh water
Restoration of freshwater ecosystem

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Ye Su – Assistant professor

e-mail: ye.su@natur.cuni.cz

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I am interested in hydrological dynamics at multiple spatio-temporal scales under land cover and land use changes and climate change, using the integration of hydro-climatic observations, tracers, and different models as well as interdisciplinary research approaches. The ongoing research project focuses on (1) obtaining new knowledge on hydrological and geochemical behaviors at small catchments after the insects-induced forest disturbance, and (2) transferring the learnt small-scale knowledge to upscale the study in a more broad regional context to make projection scenarios for future impacts in a vulnerable European forest.

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Miroslav Šobr – Assistant professor

e-mail: miroslav.sobr@natur.cuni.cz

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I deal with limnology and hydrology. Specific research topics relate to the research of physical-limnological characteristics of lakes, monitoring the dynamics of the development of glacial alpine lakes and the issue of GLOF. I monitor changes in the hydrological regime and rainfall-runoff processes in the Czech river basin and in the Tien Shan.

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Lukáš Vlček – Assistant professor

e-mail: lukas.vlcek@natur.cuni.cz

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I am interested in the water storage in soils and the runoff formation in small catchments. The main part of my research takes place in the Šumava Mts. where I focus on the influence of peatlands on the outflow from a catchment. The research topics include the origin of long-term stored water in soil or streams and the impact of climate change on the time in which water flows through the soil system. Part of the research is also focused on soil water storage in agricultural areas in cooperation with other research institutions.


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PhD students

Johnmark Nyame Acheampong

Thesis: Snowmelt water distribution in the critical zone: coupling of field and modelling approaches
Supervisor: Michal Jenicek

Doudou Ba

Thesis: Machine learning approaches in the modeling of hydrological extremes
Supervisor: Jakub Langhammer

Mateja Fabečić

Thesis: Snowmelt water distribution in the critical zone under climate variability: modelling approach using a large-sample of catchments
Supervisor: Michal Jeníček

Oleksandr Hordiienko

Thesis: UAV monitoring of montane peatbog response to climate change
Supervisor: Jakub Langhammer

Miroslav Jonáš

Thesis: Dynamics of changes of selected hydroclimatic factors and their influence on biogeochemistry of streams in headwater areas
Supervisor: Milada Matoušková

Barbora Marešová

Thesis: Impact of forest disturbance on changes of runoff response
Supervisor: Jakub Langhammer

Veethahavya Kootanoor Sheshadrivasan

Thesis: Integrated numerical modeling of changes in hydro(geo)logical responses to climate and land use change
Supervisor: Jakub Langhammer

Dominik Míka

Thesis: Mountain snowmelt and its importance for catchment storage and runoff in the context of climate changes
Supervisor: Michal Jeníček

Ondřej Nedělčev

Thesis: Ongoing and future changes in seasonal snowpack and glaciers and their impact on runoff in mountain areas
Supervisor: Michal Jeníček

Marek Purm

Thesis: Coupling of SWAT hydrological model with the groundwater models
Supervisor: Václav Šípek

Vojtěch Vlach

Thesis: Trends, frequency and seasonality of hydrological extremes in headwater areas
Supervisor: Milada Matoušková