RNDr. Dagmar Chalupová, Ph.D.

RNDr. Dagmar Chalupová, Ph.D.

Foreign Affairs Department

Coordinator for the student mobility Erasmus+ administration, Authorized signee of Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements on behalf of the faculty
Na Slupi 16, 3NP, room 317

Education and professional experience

since 2011: researcher and lecturer - Charles University, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

2011: Ph.D. - Charles University, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

2008: RNDr. - Charles University, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

2007/8: Freie Universität Berlin, visiting fellow

2005: Freie Universität Berlin, study stay

2003: MSc. - Charles University, Institute for Environmental Studies

Research interest

I am interested in research of water and sediment quality (geochemistry - content of heavy metals, As, carbon, specific organic compounds; grain size analyses) of fluvial lakes - especially oxbow lakes of the Elbe River and  their anthropogenic influence.

Lectures and seminars

Physical Limnology (participation in teaching)

Hot topics in physicla geography (garant)

Selected chapters from physical geography and geoecology (garant)

Water management and water protection (participation in teaching)

Surface water quality (participation in teaching)

Student's theses

Bachelor and Master theses focused on water and sediment quality, especially in the Elbe River basin.

Selected publications

Havlíková, Petra; Chalupová, Dagmar; Chuman, Tomáš; Šobr, Miroslav; Janský, Bohumír (2019):  Long-term water and sediment quality of the Elbe River’s oxbow lake near the town of Poděbrady, the Czech Republic. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78, 18, 559.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8566-8. (IF = 1,871) WOS:000484942300001

BERANOVÁ, Lucie; CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar (2019): Kvalita vody a zhodnocení antropogenního znečištění sedimentů fluviálních jezer Labe, VTEI, 1, 26-33. https://www.vtei.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/6023-casopis-VTEI-Kvalita-vody-a-zhodnoceni.pdf

BERNSTEINOVÁ, Jana, JIŘINEC, Petr; LANGHAMMER, J ; INGEDULDOVÁ, Eva;  CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar; FERENČÍK, Martin; JANSKÝ, Bohumír: Numerical modeling of heavily polluted fine-grained sediments remobilization in northern Czech Republic, Ecohydrology& Hydrobiology. 2015, 15, 3, p. 111-124 DOI 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2015.02.001 (Scopus)

KAIGLOVÁ, Jana; LANGHAMMER, Jakub; JIŘINEC, Petr;  JANSKÝ, Bohumír; CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar: Numerical simulations of heavily polluted fine-grained sediment remobilization using 1D, 1D+, and 2D channel schematization. Environmental Monitoring adn Assessment, 2015, 187, 3, article number 115, 18 pp. DOI 10.1007/s10661-015-4339-3 (IF) https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.is.cuni.cz/article/10.1007/s10661-015-4339-3

CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar, HAVLÍKOVÁ, Petra, JANSKÝ, Bohumír. Water Quality of Selected Fluvial Lakes in the Context of the Elbe River Pollution and Anthropogenic Activities in the Floodplain. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184, 10, 2012, p. 6283-6295. doi 10.1007/s10661-011-2419-6

CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar; JANSKÝ, Bohumír. Anthropogenic Impact on Selected Oxbow Lakes in the Elbe River Floodplain. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2007, 55,  vol. 2, p. 86 - 97. ISSN 0042-7902.

CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar; JANSKÝ, Bohumír. Pollution of Fluvial Lakes as a Result of Anthropogenic Activities. Limnological Review, 2007, vol. 7, p. 29 - 36. ISSN 1642-5952.

CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar; JANSKÝ, Bohumír. Fluviální jezera středního Polabí. Sborník České geografické společnosti, 2005, roč. 109, č. 3, s. 229 – 242. ISSN 1212-0014.

CHALUPOVÁ, Dagmar; JANSKÝ, Bohumír. Limnologické poměry, kvalita vody a sedimentů v labském rameni Doleháj u Kolína In: Jezera České republiky. Ed. Bohumír JANSKÝ et al. Praha: PřF UK katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, 2003, s. 150 – 170. ISBN 80-86561-05-4

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