prof. RNDr. Jakub Langhammer, Ph.D.

prof. RNDr. Jakub Langhammer, Ph.D.

Scientific Council of the Geography Section


Hydrologist and physical geographer.
Head of the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, head of the Hydrology Research Group, founder of the hyDRONE team.

Research focused on the impacts of climate and landscape change on extreme hydrological processes. Principal investigator of basic research grant projects focused on the impacts of climate change and landscape disturbances on hydrological extremes and fluvial-morphological changes in streams.
Development of advanced hydroinformatic methods, i.e. application of sensor networks, use of unmanned technologies for modelling river environments and use of machine learning methods in hydrological modelling. Applied research in the field of risk process modelling and definition of methodologies for assessing the ecomorphological status of streams.

Guarantor of the bachelor study programme Hydrology and Hydrogeology. Conducting lectures and seminars, including flood risk management, hydrometeorological extremes, geoinformatics in physical geography, hydroinformatics, water quality. Supervisor of undergraduate and PhD students.

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