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Welcome to the Research Group of Hydrology website!


The research group of hydrology represents the team of scientists from the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague and scientists from other research institutions, who are systematically working on research focusing on hydrological and hydrometeorological processes.

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Research interest

  • Impact of landscape changes on rainfall-runoff processes and flood risk
  • Retention potential of headwater areas and flood plains
  • Dynamics of snow cover accumulation and melting processes in mountain areas
  • Risk processes in alpine regions
  • Erosion and material transport from basins
  • Hydromorphological monitoring of streams and restoration of the fluvial ecosystems
  • Water quality changes of surface waters


Research activities

Research activities combine experimental research methods bearing on instrument equipment and methods of geoinformation analysis and mathematical modelling.

The monitoring network of rainfall-runoff and climatologic processes in the Czech Republic and the world represents the basic component of the research. This network enables high-temporal resolution continual monitoring and an online data approach. An automatic suspended load sampler is available for sediment transport research and basic instruments for hydrometrics, field survey and mobile geodetic survey are ready to use.

An important aspect represents an accent to geoinformation methods and mathematical modelling of rainfall-runoff processes as the standard hydrologic and climatologic assessment tools.