doc. RNDr. Michal Jeníček, Ph.D.

Education and professional experience
- Since 2010: researcher and lecturer at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
- 2012-2013: postdoc at the University of Zurich, Department of Geography, research group of hydrology and climate (H2K)
- 2007-2008: Ph.D. visiting fellow, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Geographical Sciences
- 2005-2009: Ph.D. fellow, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
Research Interest
My research interests in hydrology are in measuring and modelling hydrological processes in the context of landscape and climate changes. The main research topics contain 1) measuring, monitoring and modelling of snow accumulation and snowmelt processes and 2) the impact of climate and landscape changes on the water cycle in mountain catchments with dominating snow runoff regimes.
Lectures and seminars
Leading lectures and practices for bachelor, master and PhD students (hydrology, modelling of hydrological processes, snow hydrology, hydroinformatics, winter and summer field courses).
Student's theses
- The list of theses is available in the Study Information System (SIS).
- In general, the theses are focused on 1) measuring, monitoring and modelling snow accumulation and snowmelt processes and 2) the impact of climate and landscape changes on the water cycle in mountain catchments with dominating snow runoff regimes
- The list of ongoing theses (detailed description in SIS)
Selected Publications
- Vargas Godoy, M. R., Markonis, Y., Rakovec, O., Jenicek, M., Dutta, R., Pradhan, R. K., Bešťáková, Z., Kyselý, J., Juras, R., Papalexiou, S. M., & Hanel, M. (2024). Water cycle changes in Czechia: a multi-source water budget perspective. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(1), 1–19.
- Mašek, J., Tumajer, J., Lange, J., Vejpustková, M., Kašpar, J., Šamonil, P., Chuman, T., Kolář, T., Rybníček, M., Jeníček, M., Vašíčková, I., Čada, V., Kaczka, R., Rydval, M., Svoboda, M., Nedělčev, O., Hais, M., & Treml, V. (2024). Shifting climatic responses of tree rings and NDVI along environmental gradients. Science of The Total Environment, 168275.
- Hotovy, O., Nedelcev, O., Jenicek, M. (2023). Changes in rain-on-snow events in mountain catchments in the rain-snow transition zone. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 68(4), 572-584.
- Tumajer, J., Begović, K., Čada, V., Jenicek, M., Lange, J., Mašek, J., Kaczka, R. J., Rydval, M., Svoboda, M., Vlček, L., Treml, V. (2023). Ecological and methodological drivers of non- stationarity in tree growth response to climate. Global Change Biology, 29(2), 462-476.
- Jenicek, M., Hnilica, J., Nedelcev, O., Sipek, V. (2021). Future changes in snowpack will impact seasonal runoff and low flows in Czechia. J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud. 37, 100899. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100899.
- Juras, R., Blöcher, J.R., Jenicek, M., Hotovy, O., Markonis, Y. (2021). What affects the hydrological response of rain-on-snow events in low-altitude mountain ranges in Central Europe? Journal of Hydrology, 603(C), 127002. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127002.
- Nedelcev O., Jenicek, M. (2021). Trends in seasonal snowpack and their relation to climate variables in mountain catchments in Czechia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66(16), 2340-2356. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1990298.
- Šípek, V., Jenicek, M., Hnilica, J., Zelíková, N. (2021). Catchment storage and its influence on summer low flows in central European mountainous catchments. Water Resources Management, 35, 2829–2843. doi: 10.1007/s11269-021-02871-x.
- Jenicek, M., Ledvinka, O. (2020). Importance of snowmelt contribution to seasonal runoff and summer low flows in Czechia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24 (7), 3475–3491. doi: 10.5194/hess-24-3475-2020.
- Hotovy, O., Jenicek, M. (2020). The impact of changing subcanopy radiation on snowmelt in a disturbed coniferous forest. Hydrological Processes, 34(26), 5298-5314. doi: 10.1002/hyp.13936.
- Girons Lopez M., Vis, M.J.P., Jenicek, M., Griessinger, N., Seibert, J. (2020). Assessing the degree of detail of temperature-based snow routines for runoff modelling in mountainous areas in central Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 4441–4461. doi: 10.5194/hess-24-4441-2020.
- Blahusiakova, A., Matouskova, M., Jenicek, M., Ledvinka, O., Kliment, Z., Podolinska, J., Snopkova, Z. (2020). Snow and climate trends and their impact on seasonal runoff and hydrological drought types in selected mountain catchments in Central Europe. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(1-2), 2083-2096. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1784900.
- Lendzioch, T., Langhammer, J., Jenicek, M. (2019). Estimating Snow Depth and Leaf Area Index Based on UAV Digital Photogrammetry. Sensors, 19(5), 1027. doi: 10.3390/s19051027.
- Parajka, J., Bezak, N., Burkhart, J., Hauksson, B., Holko, L., Hundecha, Y., Jenicek, M., Krajčí, P., Mangini, W., Molnar, P., Riboust, P., Rizzi, J., Sensoy, A., Thirel, G., Viglione, A. (2019): MODIS snowline elevation changes during snowmelt runoff events in Europe. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 67 (1), 101-109. doi: 10.2478/johh-2018-0011.
- Jenicek, M., Seibert, J., Staudinger, M. (2018): Modeling of future changes in seasonal snowpack and impacts on summer low flows in Alpine catchments, Water Resources Research, 54(1), 538-556. doi: 10.1002/2017WR021648.
- Jenicek, M., Pevna, H., Matejka, O. (2018): Canopy structure and topography effects on snow distribution at a catchment scale: Application of multivariate approaches. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 66 (1), 43-54. doi: 10.1515/johh-2017-0027.
- Jenicek, M., Seibert, J., Zappa, M., Staudinger, M., and Jonas, T. (2016): Importance of maximum snow accumulation for summer low flows in humid catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20, 859-874, doi:10.5194/hess-20-859-2016.
- Seibert, J., Jenicek, M., Huss, M. and Ewen, T. (2015): Snow and ice in the Hydrosphere. In Haeberli, W. and Whiteman, C. Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters. Academic Press, Elsevier, 99-137.
The complete list of publications is available at ResearchGate
- 0000000211030403
- ResearcherID:
- H90442015
- Scopus Author ID:
- 33567843700