doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Kliment, CSc.
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
Research Interest
I am engaged in research in the field of hydrology with an overlap into fluvial geomorphology with a closer focus on the study of the rainfall-runoff process and its changes, hydrological extremes and water retention in the landscape, water erosion and transport of substances in the basin, surface water quality and fluvial dynamics of river systems. I also focus on regional physical geography and changes in the natural environment of the African continent.
Lectures and seminars
Leading lectures and practices for bachelor, master and PhD students (fluvial processes, hydrology, regional physical geography, seminars, field courses and excursions).
Selected Publication
MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., FRAINDOVÁ, K., BEJČKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., VLACH, V., VLČEK, L. (2024). Response of dissolved organic carbon in streams draining peatbogs to extreme rainfall-runoff events: a case study from Šumava (Bohemian Forest) National Park, Czech Republic. Environmental Earth Sciences. 83(17): 491.
FRAINDOVÁ, K., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., VLACH, V. (2022). Changes and dynamics of headwaters chemistry on the boundary of nature protected areas: Example of upper Blanice River catchment, Czechia. Geografie, 127(2): 99-126.
FRAINDOVÁ, K., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., VLČEK, L., VLACH, V. ŠPRINGEROVÁ, P. (2022). Headwaters biogeochemistry focused on different rainfall-runoff conditions, and the role of waterlogged areas: a comparative study of Czech mountains. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 67(4), 588-612.
HARTVICH, F., TÁBOŘÍK, P., ŠOBR, M., JANSKÝ, B., KLIMENT, Z., LANGHAMMER, J., 2020. Landslide‐dammed lake sediment volume calculation using waterborne ERT and SONAR profiling. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 45: 3463– 3474.
BLAHUŠIAKOVÁ, A., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., JENÍČEK, M., Ledvinka, O., Kliment, Z., Podolinska, J., Snopkova, Z., 2020. Snow and climate trends and their impact on seasonal runoff and hydrological drought types in selected mountain catchments in Central Europe. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(1-2), 2083-2096.
KUJANOVÁ, K., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., 2016. Hydromorphological parameters of natural channel behavior in conditions of the Hercynian System and the flysch belt of the Western Carpathians on the territory of the Czech Republic. Geomorphology, 258: 69-81.
KRÁLOVEC, V., KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., 2016. Evaluation of runoff response on the base of comparative paired catchment research in mountain catchments with the different land use. Case study of the Blanice River, Czechia. Geografie, 121(2): 209-234.
KRÁLOVEC, V., KLIMENT, Z., VLČEK, L., 2016. Hodnocení retence vody v půdě v lesním a nelesním prostředí. Zprávy lesnického výzkumu, 61(3): 181-189.
KRÁLOVEC, V., KLIMENT, Z., VLČEK, L., 2015. Vliv půdní složky a rozdílného využití území na odtokový proces v experimentálních povodích Zbytiny. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, 16:252-259.
LANGHAMMER, J., HARTVICH, F., KLIMENT, Z., JENÍČEK, M., BERSTAINOVÁ, J., VLČEK, L., YE SU, ŠTYCH, P., MIŘIJOVSKÝ, J., 2015. The impact of disturbance on the dynamics of fluvial processes in mountain landscapes. Silva Gabreta, 21(1): 105-116.
LANGHAMMER, J., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., 2013. Assessment of spatial and temporal changes of ecological status of streams in Czechia: a geographical approach. Geografie, 118(4): 309-333.
VYSLOUŽILOVÁ, B., KLIMENT, Z., 2012. Modelování erozních a sedimentačních procesů v malém povodí. Geografie, 117(2): 170-191.
KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., LEDVINKA, O., KRÁLOVEC, V., 2011. Trend analysis of rainfall-runoff regimes in selected headwater areas of the Czech Republic. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 59(1): 36-50.
MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., LEDVINKA, O., KRÁLOVEC, V., 2011. Application of selected statistical tests to detect changes in the rainfall and runoff regime. Die Bodenkultur, 62(1-4): 95-100.
KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., 2009. Runoff changes in the Šumava Mountains (Black Forest) and the foothill regions: Extent of influence by human impact and climate changes. Water Resources Management, 23(9): 1813-1834.
LANGHAMMER, J., KLIMENT, Z., 2009. Water quality changes in selected rural catchments in the Czech Republic. Ekológia, 28(3): 312-332.
KLIMENT, Z., KADLEC, J., LANGHAMMER, J., 2008. Evaluation of suspended load changes using AnnAGNPS and SWAT semi-empirical models. Catena, 73(3): 286-299.
KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., ŠOBR, M., POTŮČKOVÁ, M., HUJSLOVÁ, J., 2008. Fluvial dynamics and selected methods of eco-hydrological monitoring of restored Sviňovický brook channel. Acta Universatis Carolinae - Geographica, 43(1-2): 125-144.
KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., 2008. Long-term Trends of Rainfall and Runoff Regime in Upper Otava River Basin. Soil and Water Research, 3(3): 155-167.
KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., 2006. Changes of runoff regime according to human impact on the landscape. Geografie, 111(3): 292-304.
LANGHAMMER, J., KLIMENT, Z., 2006. Změna kvality vody v zemědělských oblastech Česka. Geografie, 111(2): 168-185.
KLIMENT, Z., 2005. Plaveniny jako produkt a indikátor vodní eroze půdy v geograficky rozdílných podmínkách České republiky. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 53(4): 231-244.
KLIMENT, Z., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., 2005. Trendy ve vývoji odtoku v povodí Otavy. Geografie, 110(1): 32-45.
KLIMENT, Z., 2003. Transport of suspended sediments in various regions of the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geographica, 38(1): 157-166.
KLIMENT, Z., 2000. Bilance, režim a chemismus plavenin říčky Blšanky. Geografie, 105(3): 255-265.
KLIMENT, Z., KOPP, J., 1997. Hodnocení plaveninového režimu na zdrojnicích Berounky. Geografie, 102(2): 130-138.
KLIMENT, Z., NEUMANNOVÁ, R., 1994. The analysis of the suspended and dissolved load in the Berounka basin. Acta Universatis Carolinae - Geographica, 29(2): 111-131.
KLIMENT, Z., 1991. Die auf dem Monitoring der Oberflächengewässer in ihrer Gewässergüte im Flussgebiet basierende fluviale Bodenerosionuntersuchung. Acta Universatis Carolinae - Geographica, 26(2): 3-27.
- 0000000186130241
- ResearcherID:
- B45462017
- Scopus Author ID:
- 22980095600