Doctoral Study

Schedule of the Academic Year
Code of Study and Examination
Faculty of Science Rules of Study

General Information about Doctoral Studies at the Faculty (including various regulations, guidelines, forms, and contacts for the Faculty of Science Student Affairs Division, Charles University)

Doctoral Study Programmes in Biomedicine (main website) (for students of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, the rules of the State Doctoral Examination and Ph.D. thesis defense do not apply, but you can find various interesting links at this website)

RNDr. Examination Process at the Faculty of Science, Charles University - General Information for Czech Students (the RNDr. title is a specific Czech academic qualification form belonging to the Master's Study level, however, because Ph.D. theses are frequently also directly accepted as RNDr. theses, the link to information on this form of academical qualification is given here as well. For specific details regarding this, please contact the study advisors of the respective Follow-Up Master's Study Programme).


Main Study Events during the Academic Year for Master’s Studies:

Event Basic Information Date Links (mostly leading to the "main" page where the relevant link can be found; however, most of them are in Czech only)
Entrance Exams for Doctoral Programmes Entrance exams for both full-time and combined form of the Ph.D. study, and for both Czech and English forms, are always organized jointly, the exact dates differ only depending on whether the students will start their study in October or in April. Current application deadlines and interview time ranges are always published here well in advance. You will be informed about the specific date and time of your interview within the specified time range via email from the Student Affairs Division

Electronic Application (English version)

Admission Conditions, Important Dates and Numbers, List of Requires Application Appendices, Request for Online Entrance Exam (English version)

General information about Doctoral Study Programme Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology or Doctoral Study Programme Microbiology (including some additional information about entrance exams and conditions of study - English version)

Supervisor's Assignment of Dissertation Topic in SIS, Generation of Individual Study Plan by Student and Its Approval by Supervisor Deadlines must be met! See Schedule of the Academic Year

Generation of Individual Study Plans for 1st-Year Students (methodological guidelines - Czech version)

Overview of ISP Requirements for Students Starting Their Doctoral Studies - DSP  Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology (English version)

Overview of ISP Requirements for Students Starting Their Doctoral Studies - DSP Microbiology (English version)

Study: Changes of ISP Outside Its Yearly Evaluation; Changes of Thesis Topic / Supervisor / Co-supervisor; Internship Records; Interruption of the Study; Termination of the Study at the Student's Request. For changes of the ISP outside the yearly evaluation period, the approval of the DSP Guarantor is required; additionally, in the case of a change of the thesis topic / supervisor, the approval of the Subject Area Board is also required. All requests must be submitted through the Student´s Affairs Division! These changes can be made at any time during the academic year, but the review/approval of certain requests may depend on the meeting dates of the Subject Area Board. It is recommended to contact the Guarantor of the relevant DSP in advance

Changes to the ISP Outside the Yearly Evaluation Period (methodological guidelines - Czech version)

Change of Thesis Topic, Supervisor, Co-supervisor (form - Czech version)

Recording Internships in the SIS (methodological guidelines - Czech version)

Interruption of the Study (methodological guidelines, form - Czech version)

Termination of the Study (methodological guidelines, form - Czech version)

Yearly Evaluations of the ISP Fulfillment from the Previous Academic Year Deadlines must be met! See Schedule of the Academic Year

Yearly Evaluations of the ISP Fulfillment (methodological guidelines - Czech version)

Recommendations Made by the Guarantor of DSP Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology on Some Aspects of the ISP Yearly Evaluation (English version)

Recommendations Made by the Guarantor of DSP Microbiology on Some Aspects of the ISP Yearly Evaluation (English version)

State Doctoral Examinations SDEs in the programme Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology are held only 3 times a year due to the large number of students! Specific periods are listed on the right.

Current dates - time ranges for winter, spring, or autumn periods for DSP Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology can be found here

Individual dates for DSP Microbiology can be found here (under the code D-MIKR or D-AMIKR)

State Doctoral Examination Application (form - Czech version)

Requirements for the State Doctoral Examination - DSP Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology (English version)

Requirements for the State Doctoral Examination - DSP Microbiology (English version)

Excuse from the SDE Term (request form, guidelines - Czech version)

Defense of Doctoral Dissertations Defenses of dissertations in the program Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology are held only 3 times a year due to the large number of students! Specific periods are listed on the right. Only in very exceptional, justified cases, and after prior consultation with the DSP guarantor, can a thesis be defended outside these periods (these exceptions do not apply to SDZ).

Current dates - time ranges for winter, spring, or autumn periods for DSP Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology are always published here

Individual dates for DSP Microbiology can be found here (under the code D-MIKR or D-AMIKR)


Requirements for the Ph.D. Thesis and its Allowed Formats - DSP Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology (English version)

Requirements for the Ph.D. Thesis and Its Allowed Formats - DSP Microbiology (English version)

Formal Appearance of the Ph.D. Thesis Title Page (Czech and English versions)

Prescribed Format for the Student’s Declaration on the Ph.D. Thesis (Czech version)

Allowed Version of the Charles University Emblem for Use on the Ph.D. Thesis – Graphic Format III (Czech version)

Turnitin - instruction for checking (in the SIS) the final thesis before submiting (methodological guidelines, Czech and English versions)

Submitting the Ph.D. thesis in the SIS (methodological guidelines, English version)

Checking for Plagiarism and the Respective Rules (Rector´s Measure and guidelines - Czech version)

Opening of the Ph.D. Thesis to General Public / Request for the Exclusion of the Whole Thesis or Its Supplementary Files from Publication (Dean´s Measure - Czech version)

Doctoral Graduation Ceremonies   Current dates here

Information on the Graduation Ceremony and Diploma, Procedure for Collecting the Diploma without Attending the Ceremony, Further Information

Request for Inclusion of Titles from the Previous Study Level in the Diploma

Latin Text of the Doctor’s Oath with Czech Translation