The provided list is only indicative and may change annually as new subjects are introduced and some original ones are either discontinued or assigned a different code. If you are aware of any other lecture or course that might be interesting and useful for Ph.D. students in the Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, and Virology programme (DSP MCBGV) and that you would like to recommend, please contact the Guarantor of the programme (likewise, if you know of a lecture/course listed below that is no longer available or that you would definitely not recommend). It is, of course, possible to enroll in a subject that is not listed here but would be useful for your doctoral studies (in compliance with university and faculty rules for course enrollment).

For each subject, the faculty where it is offered is indicated in parentheses (however, students from any faculty of Charles University can enroll), along with other basic information; annotations and syllabi are available in the SIS, where the relevant links lead. An asterisk indicates that it is the same course listed under different codes at different faculties.


Subjects and courses that might be particularly interesting for the MCBGV Doctoral Students

Lecture Series and Lectures "Advances in ...", "Progress in ...", "News in ...", etc.

MPGS0034 Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetics (Faculty of Science; lecture series, only for doctoral students, organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics, strongly recommended for doctoral students of DSP MBBGV) *

B90041 Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetics (First Faculty of Medicine; lecture series, only for doctoral students, organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics, strongly recommended for doctoral students of DSP MBBGV) *

MB140P82 Progress in Molecular Virology (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

B90019 Advances in Cell Biology  (First Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in Czech, only for doctoral students)

MPGS0013 Advances in Microbiology (Faculty of Science; methodological lecture series, in Czech, only for doctoral students, primarily for DSP Microbiology but other students can also enroll in)

MB140P19E Recent Achievements in Genetics (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

B90203 Biomedical Research News (First Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in English, only for doctoral students)

Other, Mostly Theoretical Lectures

MB150P91E RNA structure and function (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB140P44 Molecular Biology of RNA (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

MB150P85 Epigenetics (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB140P62 From Genome to Proteome (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

MB150P120E Molecular Mechanisms of Regulated Cell Death (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB151P107E Protein Dynamics in Development and Cancer (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB140P91 Molecular and Immunologic Mechanism of Viral Pathogenesis (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB140P97 Antiviral Drug Discovery (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MPGS0035 Cellular and Molecular Principles of imunology (Faculty of Science; lectures, only for doctoral students, in Czech, organized by the Subject Area Board of DSP Immunology and Czech Immunological Society, once every two years)*

B90097 Cellular and Molecular Principles of Immunology (First Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in Czech, only for doctoral students, organized by the Subject Area Board of DSP Immunology and Czech Immunological Society, once every two years)*

B90275 Biomedicine and Biotechnology (First Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in English, organized in BIOCEV)

Other, Mostly Methodological Lectures

MB151P96 Fluorescence Microscopy in Cell Biology (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

MB140P86 Methods of Functional Genomics (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB140S79 Molecular and Cell Biology Methods (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

MB160P44 Computational Genomics (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

Practical Courses

MPGS0008 Acquisition and Treatment of an Image in Microscopy (Faculty of Science; practical course, in Czech, only for doctoral students, organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences)

MB151C01E Single Molecule Microscopy and Manipulation - Practical Course (Faculty of Science; practical course, in English, organized in BIOCEV, it is not possible to directly enroll in this course, applicants are selected according to their motivation (see registrary form))

Soft Skills Courses

MPGS0029 Course on Fundamentals of the Scientific Work (Faculty of Science; in Czech, only for doctoral students, organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences)

B90068 The Base of the Scientific Work at the ASCR (First Faculty of Medicine; in Czech, only for doctoral students)

DS001 Basics of Scientific Methodology (Second Faculty of Medicine; in Czech, only for doctoral students)

CPGS005 Introduction to Practical Research Methodology (Third Faculty of Medicine; in Czech, only for doctoral students)

MPGS0042 Protection of Animals against Cruelty (Faculty of Science; in Czech, only for doctoral students)


Other Lectures and Courses That Could be Also Interesting for  the MCBGV Doctoral Students

Lecture Series and Lectures "Advances in ...", "Progress in ...", "News in ...", etc.

MB140P45 Advances in Molecular Genetics of Bacteria (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech, once every two years)

MB140P10 Advances in Molecular Cytogenetics (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech, once every two years)

MB151P104 Advances in Cell Biology (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

MB150P78A Advances in Immunology (Faculty of Science; lectures + analysis of relevant papers, in English, may be enrolled in repeatedly)

DV01079 OS - Advances in Molecular Genetics (Second Faculty of Medicine; lectures/seminars, in Czech, primarily for Master´s students)

DV01141 OS - Advances in Bioinformatics (Second Faculty of Medicine; lectures/seminars, in Czech)

Other, Mostly Methodological Lectures

MB151P93 Stem Cells (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

B81674 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (First Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in English)

NBCM149 Nanotechnology in Biology (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics; lectures, in Czech, primarily for Master´s students)

MB151P126 Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)

MB151P113E Analytical Methods in Cancer and Population Genomics and Transcriptomics (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English)

MB100P01 Seeing Is Believing II - Methods of Observing Vital Processes in Cells (Faculty of Science; ectures, in English, once every two years, organized in BIOCEV)

MB100P02 Seeing Is Believing I - Methods of Observing Vital Processes in Tissues and Organisms (Faculty of Science; lectures, in English, once every two years, organized in BIOCEV)

MB151P114E Biological Imaging and Image Analyses (Faculty of Science; lectures + working with open source software, in English)

MB160C38 Introductory Course of Electron Microscopy (Transmission, Scanning) (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech, once every three years)

MB100P03 Fluorescence-Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) Not Only for Biologists - Practical Aspects with Hands-On Experience (Faculty of Science; combination of lectures and a practical course, in English, organized in BIOCEV, it is not possible to directly enroll in this course, applicants are selected according to their motivation (see registrary form), once every two years alternating with CLEM = 3D correlative light and electron microscopy)

MB100P04 Image Analysis and Data Processing in Superresolution Microscopy: FairSIM and ThunderSTORM Open Source Systems (Faculty of Science; combination of lectures and a practical course, in English, organized in BIOCEV)

MB100T01 4EU+ Advanced image Analysis with Focus On - ImageJ, Arivis Vision 4D, Imaris, SVI Huygens, MATLAB (Faculty of Science; combination of lectures and a practical course?, in English, organized in BIOCEV)

Microscopy Methods in Biomedicine (Institute of Molecular Genetics; lectures + final practical methodological experience, in English, paid course, does not have a SIS code)

Processing and Analysis of Microscopic Images in Biomedicine (Institute of Molecular Genetics; lectures + working with open source software, in English, paid course, does not have a SIS code)

CPGS006 Basic and Advanced Methods of Optical Microscopy in Medicine and Biology (Third Faculty of Medicine; lectures + practical methodological experience, in Czech, only for doctoral students)

B90206 Biomedical Informatics and Statistics (First Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in Czech, only for doctoral students)

DV01053 OS - Molecular Genetics Methods and Basis of Scientific Work (Second Faculty of Medicine; lectures, in Czech, partly focused on soft skills)

Practical Courses

Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences (Institute of Molecular Genetics; combination of lectures and a practical course, in English, paid course, does not have a SIS code)

MB150P23 Cells and Tissues in vitro (Faculty of Science; combination of lectures and a practical course, in Czech)

MB140C76Methods for Gene Expression Determination (Faculty of Science; practical course, in Czech)

MB140C67 Viral Biotechnology (Faculty of Science; practical course, in English)

MB170C47 UNIX and Work with Genomic Data (Faculty of Science; practical course, in English)

DV01056 OS - Data analysis in R and Selected Topics in Statistics (Second Faculty of Medicine; practical course, in Czech)

B01681 Practical Course of Confocal Microscopy: Multiple Fluorescent Labeling, Deconvolution, Co-localization, 3D Reconstruction (First Faculty of Medicine; practical course, in Czech, only for doctoral students, once every two years (however, it frequently is not held at all))

Soft Skills Courses

MPGS0054 Grant Application Strategy (Faculty of Science; in Czech, only for doctoral students, organized by the Subject Area Board of DSP Developmental and Cell Biology)

MS750P02 Introduction to Knowledge and Technology Transfer (Faculty of Science; lectures, in Czech)