Only the current team members are listed. Due to the GDPR guidelines, we are unfortunately not allowed to include the names of students who are not also employees of the Department. Information about the current supervisory activities of individual team members can be found here, information about their past supervisory activities can be found here. Brožek´s Genetic Garden (listed as Albertov 8, but the better address and the entrance into the garden is at Studničkova N12), where you can find us, is here.
Academic and Research Staff
doc. RNDr. Dana Holá, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics and Microbiology
Study consultant and guarantor of Ph.D. study programme Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology, Webmaster, HRIS administrator
Albertov 8, 2NP, room 204
RNDr. Hana Marková, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics and Microbiology
Study system coordinator, HRIS administrator (deputy)
Albertov 8, 1NP, room 106
RNDr. Olga Rothová, Ph.D.