Publications of the Department Members in 2012

Benešová M., Holá D., Fischer L., Jedelský P.L., Hnilička F., Wilhelmová N., Rothová O., Kočová M., Procházková D., Honnerová J., Fridrichová L., Hniličková H. (2012): The physiology and proteomics of drought tolerance in maize: early stomatal closure as a cause of lower tolerance to short-term dehydration? PLoS ONE 7 (6): e38017. [PubMed]

Beranová J., Seydlová G., Kozak H., Potocký Š., Konopásek I., Kromka A. (2012): Antibacterial behavior of diamond nanoparticles against Escherichia coli. Phys. Status Solidi B. 249 (12): 2581–2584. [Wiley Online Library]

Čáp M., Štěpánek L., Harant K., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2012): Cell differentiation within a yeast colony: metabolic and regulatory parallels with a tumor-affected organism. Mol. Cell 46 (4): 436-448. [PubMed]

Čáp M., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2012): Reactive oxygen species in the signaling and adaptation of multicellular microbial communities. Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev. 2012: 976753. [PubMed]

Cibulka J., Fraiberk M., Forstová J. (2012): Nuclear actin and lamins in viral infections. Viruses-Basel 4 (3): 325-345. [PubMed]

Cottier F., Raymond M., Kurzai O., Bolstad M., Leewattanapasuk W., Jiménez-López C., Lorenz M.C., Sanglard D., Váchová L., Pavelka N., Palková Z., Mühlschlegel M.A. (2012): The bZIP transcription factor Rca1p is a central regulator of a novel CO2 sensing pathway in yeast. PLoS Pathog. 8 (1): e1002485. [PubMed]

Fišer R., Mašín J., Bumba L., Pospíšilová E., Fayolle C., Basler M., Sadílková L., Adkins I., Kamanová J., Černý J., Konopásek I., Osička R., Leclerc C., Šebo P. (2012): Calcium influx rescues adenylate cyclase-hemolysin from rapid cell membrane removal and enables phagocyte permeabilization by toxin pores. PLoS Pathog. 8 (4): e1002580. [PubMed]

Holá D., Kočová M., Rothová O., Hlízová E., Fridrichová L., Lhotáková Z., Albrechtová J. (2012): A universal method for the isolation of photochemically active broken chloroplasts from conifer needles and its possible application in photosynthetic studies. Photosynthetica 50 (2): 291-304. [SpringerLink]

Hrouzek P., Kuzma M., Černý J., Novák P., Fišer R., Šimek P., Lukešová A., Kopecký J. (2012): The cyanobacterial cyclic lipopeptides puwainaphycins F/G are inducing necrosis via cell membrane permeabilization and subsequent unusual actin relocalization. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 25 (6): 1203-1211. [PubMed]

Krtková J., Havelková L., Křepelová A., Fišer R., Vosolsobě S., Novotná Z., Martinec J., Schwarzerová K. (2012): Loss of membrane fluidity and endocytosis inhibition are involved in rapid aluminum-induced root growth cessation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 60: 88-97. [PubMed]

Lhotáková Y., Plíštíl L., Morávková A., Kubát P., Lang K., Forstová J., Mosinger J. (2012): Virucidal nanofiber textiles based on photosensitized production of singlet oxygen. PLoS ONE 7 (11): e49226. [PubMed]

Nunvář J., Dřevínek P., Lichá I. (2012): DNA profiling of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia by PCR targeted to its species-specific repetitive palindromic sequences. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 54 (1): 59-66. [PubMed]

Palková Z., Váchová L. (2012): Communication and differentiation in the development of yeast colonies. In: Witzany G. (ed): Biocommunication of Fungi. Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London-New York, pp. 141-154. [SpringerLink]

Rodó A.P., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2012): In vivo determination of organellar pH using a universal wavelength-based confocal microscopy approach. PLoS ONE 7 (3): e33229. [PubMed]

Seydlová G., Halada P., Fišer R., Toman O., Ulrych A., Svobodová J. (2012): DnaK and GroEL chaperones are recruited to the Bacillus subtilis membrane after short-term ethanol stress. J. Appl. Microbiol. 112 (4): 765-774 [PubMed]

Seydlová G., Svobodová J. (2012): Rapid and effective method for the separation of Bacillus subtilis vegetative cells and spores. Folia Microbiol. 57 (5): 455-457. [PubMed]

Šťáhlavský F., Král J., Harvey M.S., Haddad C.R. (2012): The first cytogenetic characterization of Atemnids: pseudoscorpions with the highest chromosome numbers (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Cytogenet. Genome Res. 137 (1): 22-30. [PubMed]

Šťovíček V., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2012): Yeast biofilm colony as an orchestrated multicellular organism. Commun. Integr. Biol. 5 (2): 203-205. [PubMed]

Strachotová D., Holoubek A., Kučerová H., Benda A., Humpolíčková J., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2012): Ato protein interactions in yeast plasma membrane revealed by fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM). Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Biomembranes 1818 (9): 2126-2134. [PubMed]

Šuták R., Hrdý I., Doležal P., Čabala R., Šedinová M., Lewim J., Harant K., Müller M., Tachezy J. (2012): Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes the reduction of exogenous acetone to 2-propanol in Trichomonas vaginalis. FEBS J. 279 (15): 2768-2780. [PubMed]

Váchová L., Čáp M., Palková Z. (2012): Yeast colonies: a model for studies of aging, environmental adaptation and longevity. Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev. 2012: 601836. [PubMed]

Zámostná B., Novák J., Vopálenský V., Mašek T., Burýšek L., Pospíšek M. (2012): N-terminal domain of nuclear IL-1α shows structural similarity to the C-terminal domain of Snf1 and binds to the HAT/Core module of the SAGA complex. PLoS ONE 7 (8): e41801. [PubMed]