Publications of the Department Members in 1998
- Chod J., Chodová D., Kočová M. (1998): Some criteria for determination of sensitivity on selected cucumber varieties and hybrids to Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus. Hortic. Sci. 25: 15-17.
- Heřman P., Konopásek I., Večeř J., Svobodová J. (1998): Time-resolved fluorescence and thermal adaptation of Bacillus subtilis: The role of membrane proteins. In: Slavík J. (ed.): Fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence probes 2. Plenum Press Publishing Corporation, New York, pp. 25-29.
- Konopásek I., Kvasnička P., Heřman P., Linnertz H., Obšil T., Večeř J., Svobodová J., Strzalka K., Mazzanti L., Amler E. (1998): The origin of the diphenylhexatriene short lifetime component in membranes and solvents. Chem. Phys. Lett. 293 (5-6): 429-435. [Elsevier]
- Körnerová M., Holá D., Chodová D. (1998): The effect of irradiance on Hill reaction activity of atrazine-resistant and -susceptible biotypes of weeds. Photosynthetica 35 (2): 265-268. [SpringerLink]
- Soeda E., Krauzewicz N., Cox C., Štokrová J., Forstová J., Griffin B.E. (1998): Enhancement by polylysin of transient, but not stable expression of genes carried into cells by polyoma VP1 pseudocapsids. Gene Ther. 5 (10): 1410-1419. [PubMed]
- Storchová Z., Rojas Gil P.A., Janderová B., Vondrejs V. (1998): The involvement of the RAD6 gene in starvation-induced reverse mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Gen. Genet. 258 (5): 546-552. [SpringerLink]
Publications only in Czech language are excluded from this list.