Publications of the Department Members in 1995

  • Chodová D., Mikulka J., Kočová M. (1995): Comparison of chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content in triazine resistant and -susceptible common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.). Ochr. Rostl. 31: 185-194.
  • Forstová J., Krauzewicz N., Sandig V., Elliot J., Palková Z., Strauss M., Griffin B.E. (1995): Polyoma virus pseudocapsids as efficient carriers of heterologous DNA into mammalian cells. Hum. Gene Ther. 6 (3): 297-306.[PubMed]
  • Janderová B., Gášková D., Bendová O. (1995): Consequences of Sporidiobolus pararoseus killer toxin action on sensitive cells. Folia Microbiol. 40 (2): 165-167. [SpringerLink] IF1995 = 0,147
  • Janeček J., Dobrová Z., Náprstek J., Ryšavý P., Moravec V. (1995): Evidence for protein phosphorylation in Streptomyces lincolnensis. Folia Microbiol. 40 (3): 249-252. [SpringerLink]
  • Konopásek I., Kvasnička P., Amler E., Kotyk A., Curatola G. (1995): The transmembrane gradient of the dielectric-constant influences the DPH lifetime distribution. FEBS Lett. 374 (3): 338-340. [PubMed]
  • Král J. (1995): Marine ecosystems based on chemoautotrophic and methylotropic bacteria as possible refuge for living fossils. Geolines 3: 21-26. [PDF]
  • Kunclová D., Liška V., Svoboda P., Svobodová J. (1995): Cold-shock response of protein, RNA, DNA and phospholipid synthesis in Bacillus subtilisFolia Microbiol. 40 (6): 627-632. [SpringerLink]
  • Svobodová J.Konopásek I., Kaprálek F., Svoboda P. (1995): Effect of benzyl alcohol and ethanol on cold-shock response of Bacillus subtilisFolia Microbiol. 40 (6): 633-638. [SpringerLink]
  • Špakulová M., Mutafova T., Král J. (1995): Cytogenetic study of Heterakis gallinarum (Nematoda, Heterakidae). Biológia 50 (6): 605-609.

Publications only in Czech language are excluded from this list.