Appendix to Invitation.


  • The diploma thesis (DP), as one part of the state final examination (SZZ), is graded by a Committee. The opponent is generally not a member of the Committee. The presence of the Committee members on the defense is essential.
  • The diploma thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and opponent. The supervisor shall emphasize, in particular, the circumstances under which the thesis was elaborated and evaluates the procedure for its solution. The opponent will review the thesis mainly in terms of "criteria for evaluating diploma work" and asks the candidate questions.
  • The Committee grades the DP according to the same criteria, taking into consideration opinions of the supervisor, opponent, and plenary of the Department.
  • The defense is directed by an authorized faculty member.

Public part of the defence

  • Authorized faculty member will introduce the student and the title of the thesis.
  • The candidate summarizes the basic objectives and results of the thesis during a 15-minute presentation, presenting them in the context of the discipline. Compliance with the time limit is essential.
  • The supervisor and the opponent present a brief evaluation of the thesis (first part of the reports). A brief summary of the review is preferred (the reviews are available to Committee).
  • The opponent provides questions to the candidate which are addressed immediately. This part of the defense has a form of disputation and is the main part of the entire procedure. The participation of the opponent on the defense is almost inevitable.
  • If any, questions of the supervisor are presented, followed by questions from the audience.
  • The time limit for the defence is 50 minutes.

Closed part of the defence

  • The final evaluation of the diploma theses takes place at the end of each series of defences.
  • Overall evaluation by the supervisor and opponent, considering the students’ presentation and discussion, and suggesting grades.
  • Discussion by the plenary of the Department of individual theses, in particular with an emphasis on comparison between them.
  • Public vote on grading of individual theses by the plenary of the Department.
  • The Committee members discuss and determine the final grades (separately if there are more Committees). The Committee must not respect the recommendations of the department members, the opinion of the opponent or the supervisor, but must justify their grading to the plenary of the Department.
  • Results are announced to the plenary of the Department.
  • Results are announced to the public.

Structure of opponent reviews

  • It is highly desirable that the opponent reviews contained the following parts:
    • A brief evaluation of the thesis and justification for this evaluation. (Length of this portion should not exceed two paragraphs.) It is appropriate to comment on points 1-4) in this part according to “Criteria for evaluation of diploma theses”.
    • Several (at least four) questions on the candidate, concerning the topic, content, procedure, or interpretation of the results. Questions should be formulated so that the answers do not form a short technical explanation, but rather allow the candidates to show that she/he has a sufficient overview in discipline and has adequate knowledge.
    • The review may contain other technical notes which need not be discussed during the defence (unless the candidate does not wish so).