Postgradual study at the Department of Botany.

Guidelines for PhD study in botany

These principles are set by the PhD. Study Board (further Board) primarily as a recommendation and a guide for PhD students. The principles are based on the Higher Education Act, the Study and Examination Regulations of the Charles University, the Scholarship Regulations of the Charles University and the Rules for the Organisation of Studies at the Faculty of Science.

A short guide for the PhD study at the Department of Botany

This document is meant primarily for the Ph.D. newcomers to the Department.

Guidelines for written material submitted for the doctoral examination

With the doctoral examination application it is necessary to submit an analysis of current work on the dissertation topic. This document will serve as one source of material for discussion/queries during the doctoral examination. When preparing the analysis, you should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The purpose of the submitted text is to demonstrate (i) the intellectual background of the doctoral work and the candidate’s relationship to it, (ii) the methodological approaches used to conduct the work and their justification, and (iii) the progress being made in conducting the doctoral work. Therefore, the analysis must state the initial definition of goals and comment on the current progress made and any possible changes to the research approach or objectives.

  • The intellectual background of the doctoral work must describe the starting point and current state of knowledge, as well as important areas which are currently blank which will be addressed by the work. It is advisable for this section to be supplemented with quotations from key works.

  • The analysis of methodology must pertain to fundamental questions, not technical ones. It is pointless to describe what kind of buffer dilution will be used; however, it is important to write why a particular technique will be used which requires the buffer to be diluted. For every method, make it clear which questions stated in the introduction are being answered.

  • In the part about the progress being made on the doctoral work, clearly state how far individual methodologies have progressed, what else must be done to fully answer questions, and what else you plan to do.

  • The analysis can also include prepared articles or articles which have already been published to which the introductory analytic section will refer.

  • The document should be between 5-10 pages in length (probably ten – it may be shorter if the analysis includes an article). You should find a balance between wordiness and brevity (being able to select what is important is also part of the examination).

Ph.D. defence in botany: rules and customs

For reviewers and committee chairs.

Doctoral study calendar of events

General calendar for doctoral studies.


admissions interviews for the doctoral study program

end of September:

deadline for submitting annual activity reports (applies to all doctoral students, even those studying part-time and in higher years). (this deadline is set by the Faculty and may change from year to year)

end of September/October:

defense of annual reports (only first-year students)


deadline for submitting study plans of first-year students (this deadline is set by the Faculty and may change from year to year)

winter semester:

introductory presentation of first-year students at department seminars

ongoing throughout the semester:

presentations of third-year students and department seminars

Doctoral Study Board

Doctoral Study Board in Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.

Guidelines for the doctoral work plan

Part of the doctoral study plan.

Ph.D. links

Links useful for Ph.D. students.


Supporting TAlented PhD Research Students - a program supporting talented PhD students at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.

Presentation of PhD. students at the departmental seminar (3rd grade)

A few hints how and what to present.

Rules for bonus scholarships to PhD. students from the department

In addition to the basic scholarship, students may get additional support from the department.

Yearly reports on Ph.D. project progress

Reports that are submitted through SIS.