Study in the Master degree on the Department of Botany. Topics, rules and defences of the thesis and more.

List of diploma theses from the database of the Study Information System

All recent diploma theses at the Department of Botany. You can choose or see them as an inspiration.

Diploma theses at the Department of Botany - Basic information on their evaluation

The diploma thesis (diplomová práce, DP) is evaluated as a part of the state final examination (SZZ). The DP is graded by appointed committee members according to criteria listed below, taking into consideration opinions of the thesis supervisor, opponent, and members of the Department.

Procedure for defending diploma theses in Botany

Description of whole procedure.

Rules for preparing thesis work at the vascular plants section of the Department of Botany of the Charles University Faculty of Science for students with teaching combinations

The rules for preparing thesis work at the vascular plants section of the Department of Botany of the Charles University Faculty of Science for students with teaching combinations.

Defences of Master thesis

Information and timetables about defences of Master thesis.