Information about e-mail conferences, computers, laboratories etc. at the department of botany.

  • Servers, webs and computers - Information about departmental servers, computers, etc.
  • Growth chambers - Description, rules of use and scheduling of the Department of Botany’s growth chambers.
  • Walk-in chamber - The growth chamber (Benatska 2, basement, nr. 13) with 12 banks for separate plant growing.
  • Greenhouse - Rules for using the Department of Botany’s greenhouse.
  • Faculty of Science Field Station Velemín no. 142 - The Velemín Field Station of the Faculty of Science is managed by the CUFS Department of Botany. It is located at the southwest end of the village of Velemín near motorway E55 (8) which runs from Prague to Teplice. It is a yellow building on the left side of the road, just past the turn for the blue hiking trail towards Milešovka. There is a front entrance and a rear entrance through the garden gate.
  • Geobotanical labs - Rules for work in the laboratories of geobotanical group.
  • Equipment to borrow
  • Laboratories