Rules for using the greenhouse at the Department of Botany.

The greenhouse is considered as a laboratory. People from the Department of Botany can perform their experiments in the greenhouse given they:

  • accept and follow these rules
  • have been trained in lab safety (and can prove it – i.e. they have signed the training protocol)
  • follow the e-mail conference at:

Facility manager

Mgr. Blanka Kuklíková,, tel.: 732407359.


The key is located at the reception in Benátská 2. It can be borrowed but only for the time when you are in the greenhouse, return it back as soon as you leave the greenhouse. Users are not authorized to copy the key.

If you need the key very often, you can get a key from the KEBR department.

The only entrance to our compartment is through GMO-certified compartment that belongs to the Department of Plant Experimental Biology. The door should be kept closed.

Reservations of tables

Anybody from the department can book greenhouse tables but it is strongly recommended to write to the conference how much space and for what time will be taken. If the place and/or time will be bigger than 2 tables/2 months, please consult the facility manager beforehand. There are ten moving cultivation desks, labeled A-J. The reservation system is online. You need a faculty e-mail account, if you do not have permission to make changes in the reservation system, contact the facility manager.

There is also a shelf that can be used for germination experiments.

Water management

Users are asked to spare the water. Use trays if possible (there are some trays supplied in the greenhouse). The irrigation system delivers rainwater and tap water mixed together. For manual irrigation, use taps situated under tables and along the walls and the garden hose that is stored close to the entrance. Setting up automatic irrigation is possible, please consult the facility manager. Automatic irrigation is prepared for each table separately and all 10 units can be programmed from one timing unit in the back of the greenhouse.


If it is not absolutely necessary, do not switch on the general lights in the greenhouse – some experiments may be vulnerable to daylight period alteration. If you want to use the LED growth lights, please consult the facility manager and people responsible for the experiments that are next to yours. Use the e-mail conference for this.


If not stated otherwise, temperature and air circulation in the greenhouse are set to avoid frost and overheating (min. 10°C). If you have special requirements, please consult the facility manager. It is possible to set temperature cycles or levels to some extent. Please be prepared that your request may not be always fulfilled, since the temperature regime is common to the whole greenhouse and hence to all of the concurrent experiments. Use the conference to consult the temperature regime well in advance. Temperature is currently set to 17°C during the day and 10°C during night. Eventually it can be planned differently and then checked in the calendar - if not set, the above mentioned values are in use.

Substrates and storage

Common pots and utensils are stored in the greenhouse basement. You can store your own utensils there if needed, but label them clearly and inform the facility manager . Only large items like bags with soil can be stored under the tables - otherwise please keep your things in marked plastic boxes on the shelves by the door or in the basement.

Sand and potting soil meant for common use is stored in the container in the greenhouse. Don't throw any used soil in the "potting soil" container.

General regulations

Keep the place clean! The bin for organic waste is located next to the door. Do not fill the bin to the brim! Unidentified items may be thrown away without warning. When leaving, always move the tables to the wall position (growth lights are centered according to this). If you spot any parasites, water leakage, item malfunction, etc., please contact the facility manager immediately - send a message to the conference, too.