Winter semester 2024-25. 1.10. Jenn Coughlan Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University The dual role of parental conflict in speciation 8.10. Levi Yant University of Nottingham & Department of Botany, Charles University PolyDiv: Can POLYploid DIVersity arise from maladapted DNA replication and repair? 15.10. Walter Durka Helmholtz Centrum for Environmental research, Leipzig Nationwide assessment of genetic variation of grassland plants as basis for the development of generalized seed transfer zones, an introduction to the German RegioDiv project 22.10. Andreas Houben Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben How to handle and eliminate too many centromeres 29.10. Ph.D. students poster session Natálie Čížková, Eliška Krtilová, Alžběta Poštulková, Agnieszka Adamska, Rhianah Sandean, Alptekin Koc, Tereza Billichová, Aneta Tröglerová, Bryan Novio, Heda Ghlimová, Yuliia Leshchenko, Vasilii Shapkin 5.11. Damien Rius & Cécile Remy Laboratoire Chrono- Environnement, Université de Franche- Comté, Besançon Wildfires and insect outbreaks in boreal forests. A combined approach using paleo-ecology, sedimentary DNA & modeling (RETROPEST) 12.11. flash presentations Ondřej Mottl, Adam Hastie, Jana Kulichová, Martina Pichrtová, Jindřich Chrtek 19.11. Ph.D. students seminar Adam Hrouda: Intraspecific variation and plasticity of fine root traits in response to selected factors, Eliška Konečná: Phylogenomics in the genus Cladonia, Begoña Quirós de la Peña: Evolution of the genus Hieracium - cytogenetic insights 26.11. Kateřina Sam Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Science, České Budějovice How do the birds and bats serve to trees? 3.12. Manuel Steinbauer BayCEER, Bayreuth Centre of Ecology and Environmental Research, University of Bayreuth Biodiversity dynamics from human dominated systems to the fossil record 10.12. UNCE Jan Kollár: Diatoms and cryptic species diversity; Martin Hora: Origins of persistence hunting in hominin evolution; Jakub Vlček: Whole genome duplication increases genetic diversity and load in Arabidopsis arenosa; Olga Vindušková: Negative response of plants, soil and soil biota to more persistent precipitation regimes 17.12. Neriman Yilmaz & Cobus Visagie Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria The Hidden World of Fungi: The Good and The Bad 7.1. Vít Hubka Department of Botany and Institute of Microbiology Exploring the epidemiological landscape of skin infections in the Czech Republic Seminars take place in the Krajinova lecture hall (B14) at 3. p.m. Everybody is welcome. We expect all master and PhD students to take part. Guests welcome!