The diploma thesis (diplomová práce, DP) is evaluated as a part of the state final examination (SZZ). The DP is graded by appointed committee members according to criteria listed below, taking into consideration opinions of the thesis supervisor, opponent, and members of the Department.

Basic criteria for evaluation

  1. Quality and quantity of data.
  2. Suitable methodological approach.
  3. Correct and appropriate interpretation of data (results) in the context of what is known about the problem (knowledge of literature, discussion of the problem).
  4. Appropriate and synthesizing selection of presentation means (graphs, diagrams, attachments, etc.), along with providing important primary data in the Appendix; all primary data must be available at the author upon request.
  5. Adequate formal elaboration and structuring of the thesis.
  6. Quality of responses to questions and comments during the defense.
  7. Adequate level of presentation during the 15 minutes time limit.

The diploma thesis is graded 4 (failed) when

  • The student evidently does not understand the subject, failed to comply with the basic objectives of the thesis, the data for the thesis were obtained in a fundamentally wrong manner, the student did not invest even the minimum effort to elaborate the thesis (e.g., primary data are only listed without any further processing or interpretation), or the thesis was not elaborated by her/him (i.e., parts of the thesis or the entire thesis are plagiarism).
  • The thesis is presented in formally insufficient way, i.e., does not contain elementary essentials in terms of structure, grammar, and stylistics, does not refer to the corresponding literature etc.

Note: Existing regulations do not allow to reject the diploma from the defense. It is a matter of critical consideration of the student and supervisor whether the thesis should be submitted for the defense.

The diploma thesis is graded 3 (well) when

  • it meets the basic (minimum) requirements described in point 2,
  • but fails in two criteria from 1, 2, 3 (see section 1.), or meets one of them but at the same time quality of criteria 4, 5, 6 is low.

The diploma thesis is graded 2 (very well) when it meets

  • the basic (minimum) requirements in point 2.,
  • at least two criteria from 1, 2, 3 but has shortcomings in the other criteria.

The diploma thesis is graded 1 (excellent) when it meets

  • all the criteria referred to in point 1, or at least two of the criteria 1 to 5 are above a usual standard and there are no other shortcomings.

Assessment of the supervisor of diploma thesis

  • evaluate the thesis with regards to the above criteria 1-4, structuring the review accordingly,
  • if relevant, provide specifics of the thesis and/or evaluate student’s elaboration of the thesis.

Evaluation by the reviewer of the diploma thesis

  • evaluate the thesis with regards to the above criteria 1-4, structuring the review accordingly,
  • evaluate the diploma thesis within the context of the particular discipline,
  • provide stimulating questions for the defense, for example on problematic parts of the thesis, alternative approaches, etc.

These principles were discussed and approved by the plenary of the Department of Botany, Charles University on 22 April 2022.

Date and result of the defense will be listed in the copy of the diploma thesis deposited in the Department Library.

The diploma thesis is graded by members of the Committee appointed for the state final examination according to the Examination Regulations of the Charles University, considering the opinions of the thesis supervisor, opponent, and plenary of the Department.