Head of laboratory:

Mgr. Jaroslav Kukla, Ph. D.

contact: jaroslav.kukla@natur.cuni.cz

Laboratory technicians:

Filip Křivohlavý

contact: filip.krivohlavy@natur.cuni.cz

Denisa Hartová

contact: denisa.hartova@natur.cuni.cz



The laboratory provides analytical support for scientific projects carried out at the Institute for Environmental Studies or in cooperation with the Institute. The laboratory serves both bachelor's, master's and postgraduate students of the Institute for Environmental Studies to carry out their final theses and at the same time to teach some subjects (e.g. Environmental Chemistry Practicum).



Established analyses and instrumentation

For example, we perform these analyses::

  • determination of stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water
  • total phosphorus in the mineralized material and available phosphorus according to Mehlich III spectrophotometrically
  • elemental analysis by ICP-OES method
  • determination of cations and anions using ion chromatography
  • determination of mercury in solid and liquid samples (e.g. soil, hair, water)
  • determination of the total amount of C, N, H, O, S in solid samples
  • total organic and inorganic carbon in liquid samples
  • determination of nitrogen and phosphorus in aqueous soil leachates, potential nitrification spectrophotometrically
  • extraction of fatty acids (PLFA, NLFA) and ergosterol from cell membranes of microorganisms
  • determination of ergosterol using a Dionex ICS 5000 liquid chromatograph
  • hot-water extractable carbon with TC/TOC analysis
  • determination of microbial biomass carbon
  • pH and conductivity
  • dry matter in the sample
  • organic matter by annealing in a muffle furnace
  • basal soil respiration by titration

We use the following instrumentation:

  • isotope analyzer δ18O and δD Picarro L2130-i
  • ICP-OES 5900, Agilent
  • elementary analyzer FLASH 2000 CHNS/O
  • combined liquid and ion chromatograph Dionex ICS 5000+, Thermo Scientific
  • Nicolete FTIR spectrophotometer, Thermo Scientific
  • plate absorption and fluorescence spectrophotometer Infinite M200 Pro, Tecan
  • TOC/TN analyzer Formacs, Skalar with additional module for measuring TOC in solid samples
  • absorption spectrophotometer Genesys 10, Thermo Scientific
  • single-purpose atomic absorption spectrophotometer for mercury determination AMA 254, Altec

We are equipped to process samples of various nature:

  • weighing (incl. weighing on microbalances Metler Toledo MX5), shaking, filtration, titration, incubation, sonication, extraction, etc.
  • homogenization and grinding of soils, plant biomass (oscillating ball mill Retsch MM 400)
  • microwave decomposition (microwave mineralizer Mars 5)
  • lyophilization, drying in a drying oven, drying in a nitrogen stream or rotary vacuum evaporator
  • mineralization of soil and plant samples in the mineralization block (MB 64 RTK)

We provide 3D printing:

  • Implementation of 3D printing from design to finished product
  • We use a printer Prusa MK4 and a variety of different types of filaments

Price list of selected chemical analyses

Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Soil Analysis, Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

Prices valid from 1.2.2021 

Analysis type

Internal orders

CZK without VAT/sample

Sample preparation, drying, sieving (2mm)


Homogenization and grinding of soils, biomass (oscillating ball mill MM400)


Lyophilization (soil)


Dry matter


Extraction (including filtration)


Loss of annealing


Mineralization of soil, biomass


Determination of active pH


Determination of exchange pH


Soil respiration (titration, week, 3 repetitions)


Carbon in microbial biomass


PLFA extraction


Ergosterol extraction


Ergosterol analysis (Dionex ICS 5000)


Accessible P according to Mehlicha III extraction


Elemental analysis CHN/S/O (Flash2000) 

including sample weighting (Mettler Toledo MX5)

234,-/117,- /117,-

Spectrophotometric analysis UV/VIS (Genesys10S)


Nitrification 4 determinations (including incubation)


HWC sample preparation including filtration


TOC in surface water, soil leachate HWC


Soil grain size (Casagrande)


Hg in a liquid or solid sample (AMA 254)


Filtration of the sample for analysis (filter 45μm)


Cations (Dionex ICS 5000) 


Anions (Dionex ICS 5000)


ICP OES Agilent 5900 SVDV (Na, Mg, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Mo, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, Al, Pb)


Isotopes of oxygen δ18O and hydrogen δD in water 250,-