Život na OŽP (Life at EP) is an initiative formed by students of the Environmental Protection (EP) study program, aimed at fostering social life during studies at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES). The goal of this initiative is to organize social events and promote our studies on social media for our fellow students. These efforts aim to raise awareness among our students about opportunities for scientific work, research at IES, interviews with faculty staff in the media, and representing studies focused on environmental protection. With this idea in mind, we are creating an association that will bring together students, regardless of their year of study, who are interested in supporting and contributing to the social life of environmental protection students. Our regularly organized events include the Freshman Induction, IES Christmas Party, Fashion Revolution Day, Class Day, and Spring Pub-Quiz. If you have any ideas or thoughts you’d like to bring to life, the Life at EP association is here with people willing to help. Also, if you’d like to join the association, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Organization Chairperson: Filip Křivohlavý Email: filip.krivohlavy@natur.cuni.cz Phone: +420 737 668 869 Deputy Chairperson: Katka Čápová Email: katerina.capova@natur.cuni.cz Contacts Email: zivotnaozp@natur.cuni.cz Instagram: @zivot_na_ozp Our faculty also has other associations, an overview of them can be found here