Head of the laboratory: RNDr. Jan Hovorka, Ph.D. Phone: 22195 1907 Room: Domeček, groundfloor (n. 58) The laboratory is the base of the Atmospheric Aerosol Research Group, which is engaged in measurement of outdoor and indoor air quality, ground and flight measurements by remote-controlled airship, experiments in the field of atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric aerosol, teaching activities and popularization of aerosol science. The laboratory consists of several separate rooms: Air Quality Laboratory The basis is a modernly equipped laboratory serving as a storage room for air quality measurement instruments, for the production of new experimental equipment and repairs, for working with samples, and thus provides a complete background for measurements in the field and the preparation of experiments. The laboratory is located on the ground floor of the Institute building, it is dust-proof sealed with double doors and windows and equipped with special air conditioning to ensure the cleanest possible environment inside. The laminar box, which is part of the laboratory, enables perfect work with samples. Laboratory equipment: Laminar box, pipettes and other tools for working with samples Tools and material for the assembly of experimental equipment Microscales Shelves for convenient storage of suitcases with devices Work area Portable devices stored in the laboratory that can measure independently indoors or outdoors in waterproof cases: 12 monitors DustTrak 8520 (company TSI) for measuring concentrations PM10/PM2,5/PM1 DustTrak DRX 8533 (TSI) for measuring particles PM10, PM2,5 a PM1 P-Trak 8525 (TSI) for measuring the number concentration of particles from 0,02 to 1 µm Meteo station: wind speed and direction, global radiation, relative humidity and temperature Remote thermometer, GPS, ultrasonic bath and more Laboratory "Tunnel" The "Tunnel" laboratory is located in the basement of "Domeček" at the Institute for Environmental Studies. An experimental tunnel has been built here to monitor the capture of aerosol particles on various objects and surfaces under defined conditions. Furthermore, there is an experimental resuspension chamber for studying the rate of sedimentation and the behavior of aerosol particles after their spraying under the given conditions. Resuspension chamber of the air quality study laboratory of the ÚŽP, Miroslav Klán's experiments with spraying samples, graph of distribution of aerosol particles (photo: Jan Bendl, Miroslav Klán) Laboratory equipment: A resuspension chamber with a volume of 0.4 m3 designed to study the dispersion of solid aerosol particles under defined temperature and humidity conditions. The chamber enables online measurement of the number concentration during sample spraying, simultaneous sampling on the filter and the possibility of photo documentation of the experiment through a glass window in the chamber A wind tunnel made of plexiglass and aluminum bends enabling the study of the capture of aerosol particles on various objects and surfaces under clearly defined conditions, using on-line methods of measuring aerosol particle size distributions and gravimetric analyzes Portable flow-box with air pump, HEPA filter and molecular sieve for working with samples in the field Weighing room The weighing room is located in the basement of the "Domeček" at the Institute for Environmental Studies. It is a specially built air-conditioned room with double doors and the absence of windows to maintain stable conditions. The weighing room is maintained at laboratory temperature and relative air humidity of 50%, which is ensured by air conditioning in combination with an air dryer. Inside, there are a pair of scales on special tables and an area for working with samples, including space for desiccators. Laboratory equipment: Sartorius scales (5 decimal places) Micro scales Institute Mobile Station The mobile station of the Institute is located in the area of the Botanic Garden and is transported by truck to the locations of the measurement campaigns every year. It is an air-conditioned isothermal container in the shape of a cuboid with a width of 2.5 m, a length of 3 m and a height of 2.5 m. It is highly automated and controlled by computers connected to the Internet for the possibility of remote control, viewing of current data and checking of correct functionality. The so-called the inlets (stainless steel pipes) through which air is sucked into the individual measuring devices are located approximately at a height of 3 - 4 m above the ground. Inside the station there are devices for monitoring the following parameters. Institute Mobile Station for air quality monitoring in Ostrava 2014, devices inside the station Parameters monitored by devices that are part of the mobile air-conditioned isothermal station of the Institute: PM10 by an online radiometric method identical to the measurement of CHMI networks: Beta Gaug FH 62 I-R, integration time 1 hour. On-line size distribution of the number and weight of aerosol particles of size 14.5 – 734 nm (SMPS 3936 LN25) and size 0.53 – 10 µm (APS 3321 from TSI) with an integration time of 5 min. Aerosol particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fractions >10 µm, 1 - 10 µm, 0.5 - 1 µm, 0.17 - 1 µm, <0.17 µm (high-volume cascade impactor BGI 900; integration time 24 h, flow 900 l/min., sampling for toxicological purposes) The ratio between organic elemental carbon in the PM2.5 fraction (OC/EC instrument from Sunset laboratory Inc.; integration time 1 hour) 27 elements in fractions 0.12 – 0.34 µm, 0.3 – 1.15 µm, > 1.15 µm (3 DRUMs from UC Davis, integration time 1 hour) and in fractions 0.09 – 0.26 mm, 0.26-0.34 mm, 0.34-0.56 mm, 0.56-0.75 mm, 0.75 – 1.15 mm, 1.15 – 2.5 mm, 2.5 - 5 mm, 5 - 10 mm (8 DRUM by Streetman precision Inc.; integration time 1 hour) Concentrations of 27 elements are determined by the method SXRF spectrometry (ALS Berkeley, USA). On-line concentration of NOx, O3, CO, SO2, CH4, NMHC (HORIBA devices: APCA-360, APNA–360, APHA-360, APSA – 360, APOA-360; integration time 5 min.) Size distribution of aerosol weight fractions < 0.25 mm, 0.25 – 0.5 mm, 0.5 – 1.0 mm, 1.0 – 2.5 mm, 2.5 – 10 mm according to US EPA (personnel cascade SIOUTAS impactor; integration time 24 hours) Meteorological station: Wind speed and direction (Wind-sonic instrument), global radiation (Thies), temperature and humidity (Commeter) with an integration time of 5 minutes; size and number of hydrometeors and their fall speed for calculating the precipitation total (Thies disdrometer) with an integration time of 1 min. Winter measuring campaign in Mladá Boleslav 2013, Martina Píšová (photo: Jan Bendl) Attic station An air-conditioned station for monitoring air quality is situated in the attic of the Institute for Environmenmtal Studies. The station is has online connection for immediate transmission of measured data. The station can hold all devices that are used when measuring with the Institute mobile station (see above). Meteorological data is constantly recorded. Station equipment: On-line size distribution of the number and weight of aerosol particles of size 14.5 – 734 nm (SMPS 3936 LN25) and size 0.53 – 10 µm (APS 3321 from TSI) with an integration time of 5 min. On-line concentration of NOx, O3, CO, SO2, CH4, NMHC (HORIBA devices: APCA-360, APNA–360, APHA-360, APSA – 360, APOA-360; integration time 5 min.) Meteorological station: Wind speed and direction (Wind-sonic instrument), global radiation (Thies), temperature and humidity (Commeter) with an integration time of 5 minutes; size and number of hydrometeors and their fall speed for calculating the precipitation total (Thies disdrometer) with an integration time of 1 min.