In the area of ​​air protection, research at our institute is focused both on the comprehensive study of air pollution and meteorology and atmospheric phenomena. Great emphasis is placed on studying the chemical composition and the so-called size distribution of atmospheric aerosol, which has a fundamental effect on air quality and human health. For research, a top-equipped Air quality laboratory, a mobile air-conditioned meteorological station for detailed air quality measurements and the identification of pollution sources, several types of portable instruments for indoor and outdoor measurements, a wind tunnel or a resuspension chamber for monitoring aerosols created by pneumatic dispersion of solid samples are available directly at the Institute for Environmental studies.


Atmospheric aerosol research group

  • Physical and chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosol; study of atmospheric phenomena; function of aerosol parts as condensation nuclei in the water cycle; identification of pollution sources based on receptor models; studying the toxicity and genotoxicity of aerosol particles; vertical and horizontal profiling of aerosol mass and number concentration in the atmospheric boundary layer; study of deposition of aerosol particles on various surfaces
  • For more information see website of Atmospheric aerosol research group
  • Team: 

RNDr. Jan Hovorka, Ph.D.


Ambient air pollutants, atmospheric deposition, ground/level ozone

  • Temporal trends and spatial changes of major ambient air pollutants; deposition fluxes of environmentally relevant pollutants; contribution of fog and rime pathways to atmospheric deposition; ground-level ozone – behaviour in the atmosphere and impact on human health, ecosystems and environment; ambient air quality indices


  • Team: 

doc. RNDr. Iva Hůnová, CSc.

Ph.D. students:

Titilope Grace Oyewole



Master's students:

Michal Sanetrník

Lukáš Kučera


Meteorology and air pollution

  • Atmospheric aerosol; influence of meteorological conditions on atmospheric pollutant concentrations; influence of hydrometeors on aerosol size composition; aerosol-cloud interactions; aerosol optical properties; microclimatic conditionsClose cooperation with the Atmospehric aerosol research group.
  • Team: 

RNDr. Naděžda Zíková, Ph.D.