What shapes urban bird assemblages in the tropics? Testing the luxury effect in human settlements of Karnátaka, south-western India (PI Jan Grünwald, supervisor Jiří Reif, Grant Agency of the Charles University, 2023-2025)

Towards the understanding of processes responsible for farmland biodiversity loss: insights from Central European birds (PI Jiří Reif, Czech Science Foundation, 2023-2025)

Disentangling the roles of pesticides, food supply and habitat composition as possible drivers of farmland bird declines: approach based on an international “natural experiment” (PI Adriana Hološková, supervisor Jiří Reif, Grant Agency of the Charles University, 2022-2024)

Changes in military areas over time: improving management of military areas based on long-term biodiversity monitoring and use (co-PI Jiří Reif, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2021-2023)

Integrating migration patterns, phenology, year-round habitat use and demography to understand drivers of population dynamics in migratory birds (co-PI Jiří Reif, Czech Science Foundation, 2020-2022; accomplished with excellence)

Management of farmland biodiversity refuges: Lessons learned from bird communities in abandoned military training areas (PI Lenka Dvořáková, supervisor Jiří Reif, Grant Agency of the Charles University, 2020-2022; accomplished with excellence)

Mechanisms underpinning bird population trends in the era of global changes (PI Jiří Reif, Charles University - PRIMUS, 2018-2022)

Effects of urbanization on multilevel avian diversity: linking bird community metrics to pollution level, vegetation and building density (co-PI Jiří Reif, Czech Science Foundation, 2018-2020; accomplished with excellence)

Mechanisms of invasive alien plants' impacts on bird communities: lessons from selected tree species introduced into the Czech Republic (PI Jiří Reif, Czech Science Foundation, 2014-2016)

What are the mechanisms mediating impacts of invasive alien tree species on bird communities? A case study of the Black Locust (Robinia pseudacacia) (PI Jan Hanzelka, supervisor Jiří Reif, Grant Agency of the Charles University, 2014-2015)

Assessment of selected mechanisms through which environmental factors drive changes in abundance of bird populations (PI Tomáš Telenský, supervisor Jiří Reif, Grant Agency of the Charles University, 2012-2014)

Explanations of interspecific variability in bird population trends: from description of general patterns towards detection of major driving forces (PI Jiří Reif, Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2009-2011; accomplished with excellence)