
Request to order books through the Library of the Geographical Sciences
  • the request (see the order form below) must cite the ordered documents as accurately as possible and provide the order number covering payment.  The request can be submitted to the Library of the Geographical Sciences in printed or electronic form .
  • After submitting a properly completed request form, the person making the request wil be contacted regarding the price of the order and asked to approve the purchase.
  • The person making the request must see that the request is approved in the Central Information System (CIS) by the order administrator.
  • All literature that is purchased from public funds (from the grant and from the budget) must be registered in the Library of the Geographical Sciences and subsequently library loaned out as a grant loan. These books are not the property of the scientist, but of the institution for which he works.

Order form for books and journals. (Forms are in Czech only)


Keeping records of book purchased from a grant – What’s the procedure?
In the event that books are not ordered through the library, it is necessary to enter them into the Library of the Geographical Sciences. The library will assign documents an accession number, catalog them and place them in the library’s collection. The accession number must be listed on the invoice.
For library records it is necessary to bring:
  • the purchased books
  • copy of payment receipt (the original must be stamped)
  • number of the grant used to purchase the books + name (this can be written on the copy of the receipt)

Books purchased from public funding are the property of the library. The grant recipient can borrow them through a grant loan. The borrowing period is one year and may be extended 3 times.