AUC Geographica has been published since 1966 and covers a wide range of sub-specialisations of geography, especially physical geography, geoecology, regional, social, political and economic geography and regional development, cartography and geoinformatics, demography and geodemography.

Articles on these topics can be found in each issue of AUC Geographica. At the same time, PDF versions are available to readers on the journal's new website, starting in 2008. AUC Geographica is published regularly twice a year. It is registered in the SCOPUS database and further changes are planned. Readers will be kept informed of all these on the journal's website.

AUC Geographica

AUC Geographica subscription

SUBSCRIPTION per issue for foreign countries: 20,- EUR (incl. VAT), 22,- EUR (excl. VAT)
SUBSCRIPTION for the Czech Republic: 200,-Kč (incl. VAT), 230,-Kč (non-VAT payers)

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Payment. Postage is included in the price.

You can order the journal from the Library of the Geographical Sciences.
