Total number of volumes: 105 000 Annual acquisitions: 1 500 Types of documents: monographs, statistical yearbooks, dictionaries, lecture notes, textbooks, cartographic materials, periodicals, university qualification works, electronic sources. Journals taken during a common year: 182 titles Thematic profile of the collection: physical geography, geoecology, cartography, geoinformatics, demography and geodemography, social geography, regional geography of the Czech Republic and of foreign countries, didactics of geography, environment. Library SW: Alma (Ex libris)– approx. 45 500 records in the database, 82,600 library items Information apparatus: UKAŽ (OPAC+Discovery Primo), author and subject card catalogue of monographs. Services: lending, ILS, IILS, reference, consultation, additional, exchange or sale of Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica journal, access to electronic databases, on-line reservations, prolongation in SW Alma. Electronic discipline specific databases: Web of Science, GeoRef, Geobase, EZB (Electronic Journals Library). Technical equipment: twelve PC for readers, copier (1 CZK/A4), scanner, WiFi network, the possibility of connecting notebook Transport connection: tram No. 14, 18 and 24 from underground station Karlovo náměstí, line B, (Albertov stop) Parking: in front of the building Accessibility: barrier-free – lift to the 2nd floor