To evaluate the woodland history during an agricultural prehistory by means of an anthracological data. To compare anthracological data with environmental conditions and reveal differences among regions.To clarify differnces and similarities among archaeo-, pedoanthracological and pollen data.

The project attempts to carry out the first systematic evaluation of anthracological results from archaeological sites in Czechia. We have gathered an unique archeoanthracological dataset, which covers the entire long-term settled area of CR. The Czech Republic is an important biogeographical corridor and our study can contribute to the accuracy of Holocene trees expansion in Central Europe. The aim of the project is a reconstruction of woodland history in the lowland regions during agriculture prehistory. We would like to compare an anthracological data with environmental conditions of localites and to reveal differences among regions. Our hypothesis assumes a different character of the woodland vegetation more distant from archaeological sites and a species composition of archaeoantracological records. We want to test this hypothesis by using pedoanthracological research in selected "core" microregions. Another aim of the project is to compare an anthracological and pollen data, which will be able to create a comprehensive view of the development of the landscape mosaic.